Yurio x reader (but babe)

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Requested by: @XxCulpritKillerxX

Y/n's pov

It was finals week and every one on campus was either getting high to relax then studying while high, or out buying a coffee machine then studying for hours on end without sleep.It was a Friday night with most of my finals on Monday and I was a mix of both.

My boyfriend was with me in my dorm room helping me study. Since he's graduated from collage last year he knows the stress of everything.

Yuri was sitting on my bed reading a book while I was at my desk writing the last set of flash cards before I would study them for hours.

About two hours later I was still studying and Yuri had just finished getting ready for bed. It was around 10:30,, which is when I usually go to bed.

"Babe, are you coming to bed with me." Yuri had wrapped his arms around me from behind and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'll be there in a minute, I have to study."

"But babe, you've been studying for the past billion years. I didn't come here to watch you study like a maniac and not cuddle you."

" I said I'll be there in a minute." Those words were said harsher than I anticipated. Yuri didn't clap back though, which was super shocking but if he didn't make a big deal about then I shouldn't.

I had lost track of time and it was now almost one in the morning. I was getting super frustrated when I was studying for this one class I couldn't get my head around. I groaned loudly in frustration and didn't realize how loud I was. A few minutes later I felt Yuri crouch down next me and put his hands on my knew and the back of my chair.

"Babe, it's fucking one a.m.. Do you know what people usually do at one a.m. in the morning? Sleep." I could tell he wasn't in the best mood and he just wanted me to get in bed with him.

"I have to get and A on this test and study all weekend until I know everything by memory. If I fail any of these tests my parents are going to be s disappointed in me and look down on me for having a bad grade.If I fail any o these tests I won't graduate at the top of my class and I cant have that and and-" I had started tearing up cause I was so mad and frustrated and I rambled on until Yuri interrupted me.

"Y/n, Y/n, hey. Calm down, there's no need to get so worked up about it. Tomorrow I will help you study and I'll make sure that you have a fun time doing it as well so that you aren't all tense and insane." I knew i could count on Yuri to make me laugh when I felt down.

"Yuri I just-"

"No. You are going to get in that bed with me and I will cuddle you so hard you will forget that you have to study, and when you remember you have to study I'm going to help you so you don't get stressed like you are right now." Yuri held my hands is his and looked into my eyes. "I just care about you too much too let you go insane like this." He brought one of his hands up to face and set it on my cheek gently. Yuri wiped away the tears without breaking eye contact.

I stopped crying and put everything stressful away so I could sleep. Once I was done getting ready for bed I stood in the door of my bathroom looking at Yuri. He had fallen asleep as I was brushing my teeth. I went to the opposite side of the bed and got under the covers.

I was almost asleep until I felt Yuri's arm wrap protectively around me and his face nuzzle my neck.

"I love you Y/n, and don't forget it."

"I love you too Yuri."

Not my best but eh

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