Chapter 11

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Killian's POV

"So we heard your telling stories to your kids." David says to me.

"Yeah Emma and I are why? Does it bother your or something?" I ask.

"You know I dont like you, but Emma loves you and you guys have kids and I guess I have to tolerate you." He says.

"You dont have to do that if you dont want I love Emma. I always will. Theres nothing that will take me away from your daughter." I say.

"Oh Killian you might never go and I get that. That doesnt mean I have to like you." He says.

I went home just in time to tell the kids the story.

"Hey where were you?" Emma asks.

"Your father, huge pain. Im gonna go to the kids." I say.

"Okay." She says.

I walked into the room and they were all ready.

"So where did mommy leave off?" I ask.

"Hook is heading to his ship and Emma followed, but bumped into Robin. Whos heart could be given to the queen to get Hooks memory back, but Emma cant do it. Oh and Robin his some little boy with him." Henry says.

"Okay got it." I say.

"Now start Daddy." Caleb says.

Emma looked out and couldnt see where Hook went. She looked back at Robin Hood and the small boy.

"Did you see a man with a Hook past by?" Emma asks.

"Oh yes Captain Hook. I think he is heading to the docks. Didnt he kidnap you?" Robin asks.

"Yes he did. He stole me. He saved me. I saved him. He lost his memory. Tonight he could disappear forever. Oh and did I mention I have fallen in love with him." Emma says.

"Well thats a crazy story, but I think I could help you. I know the forest better then anyone. Would you like mine and my son's help?" Robin asks.

"That would be lovely thank you." Emma says.

When they finally made it to the docks Hook's ship was gone and Emma froze in place. Emma saw her father standing on the docks. When he saw her he walked over to her.

"That pirate cant hurt you know. He is gone and is never coming back. Your safe now Emma." Charming says.

"Safe you sent him away. How could you. He did nothing wrong." Emma says.

"Thats enough and now since your mother and I wont be around forever we have arrange for a ball and one lucky prince will be your new husband." Charming says and pulls Emma away.

That night Emma laid in her bed when she heard a strange noise in her room.

"If you want to save you Captain I can help. Come with me." The voice says.

"Robin is that you?" Emma asks.

"Yes now come. I can help you if you help me." Robin says.

"Okay. Lets go." Emma says.

Emma followed Robin out her window and into the forest and the only thing on her mind was Hook. She was going to find him and he was going to remember her if its the last thing she does.

"Okay sweet dreams." I say.

"But Daddy more." Henry says.

"Yeah more." Caleb says.

"No more now sleep." I say.

"Daddy I love you. Thank you for the story" Avery says and hugs me.

"Anytime angel." I say and kiss her head.

I walked out and Emma was waiting for me on the couch.

"So my father and you talked today?" She asks.

"Yes Love and he made it very clear that he will always hate me." I say.

"Well he may hate you, but I love you and the kids love you. Oh and I love you." She says.

"You said you love me twice." I say.

"I know thats because I love you so much that no one in this world will ever take you away from me. No one will ever change how I feel about you. Not my dad. Not... Well he is the only one I know that doesnt like you, but still. No one can change my love for you." She says.

"Good." I say and get up.

"Good thats all you say is good." She says.

"All I can say is good, but come with me to the bedroom and I show much better then good." I say and help her up.

"Lead the way." She says.

I guess in away Emma and I are telling a story that is alittle like how it was for us. Im so happy I have my Swan.

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