Chapter 13

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Killian's POV

"Okay so I will be home tomorrow just before bedtime. You sure I should do this?" Emma asks me.

"Swan its one day at the spa with your mother its all good. I will watch and take care of our children. Its all good." I tell her.

"Yes, but..." She says.

"But what?" I ask.

"My mom wants my dad to stay with you all tonight." She says.

"No. No. No way." I say.

"Killian please he is my father and the kids love him. Do it for me?" She begs.

"Fine. Anything for you." I say.

"Good boy." She says.

"Kids mommy is leaving come say goodbye!" I yell.

"Bye Mommy." Henry says.

"Goodbye." Emma says and hugs him.

"Goodbye Mommy." Caleb says.

"Goodbye little one." Emma says and hugs him.

"Mommy no bye bye." Avery says.

"Aww its okay. Mommy will be home tomorrow." Emma tells her.

"Mommy no go." Avery says.

"Come here little one its okay. Mommy will be back. Now say bye bye." I tell her.

"Bye mommy." Avery says and laches on to Emma's leg.

"Uhh Killian." She says.

"I got her." I say and when I picked Avery up and she screamed.

That night was very weird David didnt speak or look at me which I enjoyed.

"Okay Daddy its time for the story." Caleb says.

"Thats right now were did Mommy leave off?" I ask.

"Robin is helping Emma save Hook, but the Evil Queen was behind him when he showed back up." Henry says.

"Emma. Emma. Emma. Looks like we came full circle." The Queen says.

"Look Im sorry you didnt get what you wanted, but dont take it out on anyone here." Emma says.

"I wouldnt dream of hurting Robin Hood or his Merry Men. But you would. You made a deal with Rumplestiltskin to have me think Im killing your mother, but really killing Robin all so your Hook remembers you." The queen says circling Emma.

"No I wouldnt do that. I couldnt. I would never hurt someone. I turned Rumple down. Who told you about that deal anyway?" Emma asks.

"Rumple paid Robin a visit on his journey to see me and he told him. So Robin told me." The queen says.

"Look I never considered the deal. I told him no and now Hook is gone and doesnt remember me and..." Emma says.

"Shut your mouth. If you want to see your pirate again you will do one thing for me." The queen says.

"And whats that?" Emma asks.

"You need to steal or save the woman Rumple keeps in his castle and bring her to my castle. Use this and put it in the dark ones tea. He will think he let her go. Do this and I will bring your pirate to you. Do we have a deal?" The queen asks handing her a position.

Emma didnt know what to say she looked at the woman who wanted to kill her and her family. All she could think about was if this woman is a slave to the dark one there is no harm.

"We have a deal." Emma say.

"Excellent." The queen says.

"Okay thats all for tonight." I say.

"But daddy." Henry says.

"No buts bed." I say.

"More." Caleb says.

"Goodnight." I say and shut off the light.

I walked into the living room and David was asleep on the couch. I placed a blanket on him and shut out the light. I went into my bedroom and Avery was on the bed.

"I miss mommy." She says.

"Okay. You wanna sleep in here with daddy tonight?" I ask.

She nodded and got under the covers. I turned off the light and she snuggled next to me. She is my mini Swan.

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