The end of all things

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You had turned around to answer the voice, when you saw their face. Your legs suddenly felt like lead, you knew this person. You could remember them.

"______?" The male stuttered looking at you as if you were a ghost.

Your mouth couldn't move, you were frozen in a state of panic, you couldn't think. It was as if you had shut down. His next reaction surprised you, he wrapped his arms around you in a embrace.

You weren't quite sure what to do, you stood there motionless, head now spinning with questions. He let you go.

You began to try to speak

"Who...Who are you?" You stuttered.

You saw the happiness in his eyes turn to confusion, your heart then felt a pang of guilt when you saw his expression of happiness melt away.

"W-what?" He asks backing away

"Wait don't go, please, I-I don't remember much, but I remember you, please help me!  I'll explain everything, I promise!" You beg.

His look of worry and pain returns,and he sighs.

"Fine, but stay here please ______. And uh, I'll be expecting my explanation after I get my niffler" he says pointing to the jewelry store window, where the creature was swinging on the chandelier inside . 

He performs a spell causing the glass to disintegrate, An alarm sounds, Newt not seeming to notice, as of it'd happened before, he continues to chase to creature throughout the jewelry store. Until finally grabbing, and begins shaking its pouch free of all valuables. He shoved it back into his suitcase and looked up.

He walked out and with a wave of his wand everything was being put back into place.

The police department and the fire department had shown up, and let's just say the scene looked a lot less than 'not-guilty'. You were covered from head to toe with various jewels, necklaces, and bracelets as they floated around you back into there places.

In a shaky voice, Newt whispered,"Grab my hand."

Hesitantly, you looked at him.

He pleadingly said, "Trust me, _____."

You decided that trusting him of all people was a good idea, and grabbed his hand

The street was suddenly warped away from sight.

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