Spinning the stars

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Newts POV

He was sick to his stomach, was he ever going to find out where she was?

 It was his childhood friend, someone who could understand him, another who felt like an outcast.

 And she was gone, the last pieces he had of her was a note and their school picture, and a picture of them from the day before their Hogwarts graduation. 

Did she leave New York? Was she safe? Did she really die? 

He didn't know what to do. 

The one person who had understood him was gone. 

The only thing he had left was his suitcase. Speaking of his suitcase he placed it down and climbed in. He had to take care of the only things he had left.

 Gathering all he needed to feed the beasts he stopped at each habitat giving each creature their share of food. 

He didn't mean to run into her, purely an accident or coincidence he had just wanted to make a brief stop in America, when he ran into the girl whom he had known from his childhood, he was extremely happy when they met again. 

When they locked eyes he knew it was her. 

It was on the street when their fates aligned again, they had told Newt they worked in America for MACUSA now, as an Auror.

 He told her about his suitcase and it was just like when they were in their Hogwarts days, talking, laughing enjoying one another.

 He ended staying longer than he had anticipated for her. 

He'd never thought she'd be so far away. He'd never wanted her to leave in the first place

 Just the other day _____ said she'd had a job to complete, orders from Seraphina Picquery herself.

 Newt said, be safe.

She just smiled, nodded and left.

All he found was that note. All he had was that note.

 He needed to find her. Because he loved her. He needed to make up for all the things he'd messed up when they were young.

He had to make things right.

To tell her how he felt.


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