Meeting the girls

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Sages P.O.V

I can't believe I'm meeting there girlfriends I'm sorta nervous because we'll they will probably not like me or something I'm not sure . But I might as well have a shower and get dressed because I don't want to have bed head and morning breath. "Um guys can u like leave my room I need to have a shower and get ready I don't wanna look like a bear over it woke up from hibernation" I said walking to the door and ushering them out . " they will be here in 30 minutes you don't have to get ready if you don't want to they arnt expecting you to look like you belong on he red carpet " Zayn said as he walked out. " SAYS THE ONE WHO IS OBSESSED WITH HIS HAIR" I yelled before closing my door and locking it . I grabbed my clothes and decided upon black high waisted shorts, a black crop top with an Aeropostale sweater and black toms as you can tell I love black . I quickly ran to my bathroom and took my clothes off and hopped in the shower . I washed my hair and body but decided to do something I'm gonna dye my hair sure it's already pink faded dip dyed tips but I think that I need to recolour the tips . I ran to the room we keep the printer in and I stole a pink ink cartridge . I ran back to my bathroom and cracked the cartridge of ink and wiped it against my hair tips this is how I did it at the orphanage I git dressed and dried my hair then I put mascara , eye liner and lip gloss on .

Then I heard the door bell ring they're here. I hear the boys talking wait I forgot something I went back to my room and opened a little box in my laptop bag I got from the orphanage . I took my razors out of my box and sliced them against my wrists . " Sage come out they're here" Louis yelled banging on my door . I quickly slipped my sweater on and took a tissue and wiped my wrists . " coming " I yelled I slid my sweater up and but 15 bracelets on each wrist just being careful. I opened the door to see All 5 boys and 3 girls standing there. " Sage this is Eleanor , Perrie and Danielle " Zayn said pointing at each girl." Hey Sage obviously you know I'm Eleanor Louis girl friend nice to meet you " she said pulling me into a hug wow these people are friendly I like it." I'm Perrie Zayn's girlfriend I'm part of a group called little mix " Perrie said hugging me . " Last but not least I'm Danielle Liam's girlfriend but you can call me dani " she said also hugging me damn these girls arnt that bad ."I-i-I'm Sage nice to meet you all I will tell you about myself is I love penny boarding and dying my hair" I said pointing at my hair."Un Sage your hair wasn't that vibrant when you got here and it was faded what did you do"? Liam asked with a confused expression on his face. " oh I re dyed it with an ink cartridge don't worry it's fine I do it all the time how do you think I got it done at the orphanage" I said casually ." Ok um we'll talk about it later " Zayn said with a smirk across his face. " hey Sage we got you a present " Harry said grabbing me by my wrist agh that hurts like hell stupid cuts . I winced in pain and broke the grasp against my wrist and a tear rolled down my cheek . " Sage are you okay I wasn't even grabbing your wrist that hard it shouldn't have hurt wait did you" ? Harry asked with a hint of confusion and sorrow in his voice. " Sage please don't tell us you did" Liam said pulling me into a hug . I immediately hugged back he cared about me . " what are we talking about " Perrie Eleanor and Danielle asked in unison. " Sage would you like to tell them or should we" Louis asked brushing a tear from my Cheek. I quickly shook my head . " Sage you do know they are gonna be like your mothers " Zayn said okay that is the last straw they arnt my mothers they arnt my family. I pulled out of Liam's hug and yelled " YOU ARNT MY MOTHER YOU WILL NEVER REPLACE HER AND YOU GUYS ARE SURE AS HELL NOT MY FATHERS YOU DONT KNOW ME YOU ARNT MY FAMILY JUST DO US ALL A FAVOUR AND SEND ME BACK YOU WONT HAVE TO KEEP PRETENDING LIKE YOU CARE AND I DONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT GETTING HURT" I screamed and ran to my room .

I could hear feet running over so I locked the door and slid down it crying . BANG BANG BANG " Sage open up " Louis yelled . " Sage please " Harry yelled . " Sage love can you please open the door" Eleanor pleaded . I ran to my box and got my razors I did about 20 more cuts 10 on each wrist . I ran to the door and I kept hearing things like " please open the door" and " are you okay" . We'll I need to talk to somebody so I think it should be Niall because I trust him most. " Niall are you there I need you" I said crying ." Yes I am Sage cab you let me in " said the firmiliar Irish accent ." Yeah I will bring a first aid kit and alcohol to clean cuts "I said as I opened the door and Niall came in with a first aid kit. I locked the door and he hugged me . " Niall don't hug me remember I have blood all over my arms" I softly whispered." I don't care" He said while hugging me. We let go of out hug and he cleaned my cuts and wrapped gauze around my arms . " you ready to go out back to the lads and girls " Niall asked. " yeah hold on let me get my sweater" I said as I ran to my sweater and slipped it on . I unlocked the door and to my surprise they weren't standing outside . " They're in the kitchen " Niall said as we both walked in the room went silent ." Uh um I'm sorry for freaking out earlier I might have forgot to mention I push people away" I say as I twiddle my thumbs . " oh it quite alright but nobody told us what you were talking about before " Perrie said confused . " oh yeah that it's not really a big deal " I was about to finish my sentence until Louis cut me off "Sage it's kinda a big deal " he said coming and pulling me Into a side hug. . "Okay as I was saying well I can't really explain it so I will show you here goes nothing " I mumble under my breath .i push my sleeves up and my wrists show but just gauze. " I'm still confused " Eleanor said . "Yeah I know this should explain the rest " I say as I start unraveling it. "Welcome to my world of pain " I half mumble half normally speak , I flip my wrist so I faces them and there expressions go blank. I can tell how they feel they feel a mix of pain,sadness,sorrow and they are also plain shocked . You might be wondering how I know this it's because I learned how to read expressions over the years it helps worth self defence .

"Oh Sage we had no clue " Daniele said as she got closer I don't know her she might hurt me. I quickly do a back flip and punch her straight in the face . Than she collapsed to the floor. "Sage what the hell was that she came to hug you " Liam said as he helped her up. "Oh first if all I'm claustrophobic second of all Don't touch me unless I know you " I say leaning against a wall. "Oh and sorry Dani" I say grabbing some ice for her. " it's fine I should've asked and how were you able to do aback flip " she asked holding the ice to her face. " oh I've been doing gymnastics and Afro since I was 1 I've also been taking martial arts since I was 1 " I say looking at my nails . "Oh um Niall you mind passing me that alcohol for cuts" I mumble loud enough for him to hear . " oh um sure be careful it stings " he said in a fatherly tone . " what are you talking about it doesn't hurt at all" I say challenging him ." Sage it hurts you know it does go ahead put it on he said. I unscrewed the bottle and was about to pour until I thought of a bet. " I bet you $50 that I can pour the whole bottle on my cuts without flinching" I say in a overly competitive tone. " you're on " he said

Nialls P.O.V

I bet Sage $50 that she couldn't pour the whole bottle on her cuts without flinching . "You guys are so immature "Liam said . "1..2..3..GO" we all yelled in unison . Ashe dumped the bottle all over the cuts with out flinching . "Holy nandos I just lost a bet" I say crossing my arms like a baby . " damn straight you did now pay up remember what I did to dani " Sage said in a braggy voice. I got up and grabbed $50 from my coat pocket . " I know what I'm spending this on a nose piercing and cartilage piercing " she says waving the money in the air . Wait back the truck up she needs permission . " Little miss Sage you need permission for those piercings " Harry says . " No I don't I'm Just waiting for you guys to return me so it doesn't affect you if I get what ever the hell I want pierced " She says slightly irritated . " I give her permission" I blurt out . Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy, "so do I " Louis says "me too "Zayn says . " okay 3 against 2 let's let the girls vote too" a Sage Said , she is willing to risk it all. Obviously all the girls said yeah and the 2 other boys said yes too . Off we go to get her nose and ear pierced






~Lauren XOXO

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