Some people here are such bitches

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Sages P.O.V

Me and Ky were just eating and chatting until Natalie came and walked by. "I'm like tots sorry for tripping earlier " Natalie said as she but her lip trying to act sexy . "Wee ohhh weee ohh WHORE ALERT WHORE ALERT WE HAVE A CODE SLUT ,WHORE WITHIN BREATHING DISTANCE" I screamed jumping up in the air waving my arms around. Everyone automatically looked at me and then Natalie's face flushed red as everyone started laughing.She ran away and Kyler was laughing his ass off. "good job" he said high fiving me. After that we were practically done eating so we went back to our room and we drifted off to sleep.

Sages P.O.V

I awoke to Kyler still sleeping . Then all my thoughts consumed me .I've been here for what feels like forever! I haven't been outside in so many days , I'm going crazy. What the fuck do they expect me to learn from being in a Psych ward. Whatever they weren't careful enough to check my pants , I always have razor blades taped to me ! I quickly pulled my pant leg up and un taped the razor and held it to my wrist. Since we didn't have our own bathroom I just sat on my bed and cut. About 75 cuts later I felt the razor being pushed outta my hand. "What are you doing Sage" Ky asked whisper yelling. " I'" I said in between sobs and he pulled me into a hug. " you'll get blood on your shirt " I said while crying " I don't care" he said hugging me and letting me cry into his tear and blood stained shirt . He quickly got up from the bed pulled gauze and tape out of a little first aid kit installed to the wall. He gently cleaned my wrists with tissue and wrapped my wrist in gauze and tapped it close. " Sage I love you like a sister you can always talk to me " he said changing his shirt. The rest of the day went by fast I stayed in my room the whole day and Ky brought me food. Surprisingly the nurses didn't question it and let me keep to myself and stay in my room. ,y therapist came in my room instead of me going in her office. Kyler stayed the whole day with me and we just talked but I asked for dinner so he's gone. I noticed my razor was still on the floor so I quickly picked it up and put it to my other wrist and just as I was about to push and drag it across the door burst open and I saw the boys standing there. "Baby girl why would you do that" asked Louis aka my dad. Niall walked over took the blade and shoved in in his pocket. "I'm sorry daddy I'm sorry " I said crying into his shoulder. " Sage it's okay you didn't cut please don't cry " Louis said. " Fuck we sent you here to not cut and know you fuck things up like always" Harry said slapping me across the face . I instantly dropped to the ground and clutched my cheek and started hyperventilating and crying. " what's wrong with her " asked Niall as he slapped Harry . " I don't know" Liam and Zayn yelled. "PANIC ATTACK" Liam shouted "I read her file it says she has panic attacks a lot " Liam explained


I'm so sorry for not updating my life has been hectic but I'll update soon

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