chapter 4

14 3 0

~ Isaura

I woke up to bright sunlight from the windows the room was beautifully lit. Alexander was still asleep and he still had his hand strongly around my waist. I really had to pee so I wish that he would let go. I turned around in his grip and shook him lightly. "Alexander" he stirred but didn't wake up "ALEXANDER!" I said a little louder and he woke up. "Good morning beautiful" I blushed and mumbled a good morning. "Alexander I really have to use the bathroom " I said about to explode. "Oh sorry dear" he said while releasing me from his death grip I hopped up and rushed to his bathroom inside of his room. After I was done I looked in the mirror at my horrible bed hair. I decided I might as well get ready for the day. I found some towels in the cupboards and an extra tooth brush. I took the tooth brush out of the packet and brushed my teeth with it then I got inside the huge shower. Washing my hair and my body I got out and wrapped a towel around my body then brushed out my hair. I then realised I didn't have any clothes here. Shit! I peeked my head out of the door to see Alexander sitting upright with his arms behind his head. He looked at me and started smirking. " hey umm... I don't have any.. Clothes " I said slowely. " he smirked and got up and speeded out of the room and came back seconds later with ladies clothes. " where did you get that?" I asked. " I have some extra wardrobe for you because I knew you were coming " he chuckled. " oh" I said a little dumbly. I got dressed, came out, and sat on the bed with him. "so when am I going home?" I asked hopefully.  He sighed heavily. " your not going home isaura this is your home now" my heart sank to my stomach. "What do you mean I'm not going home" I was so confused. "You don't get it isaura you are my mate and I can't live without you. You will become my princess and when my parents are ready to move on I will take over the crown and you WILL be my queen" he said with such authority it scared me. I'm staying here...FOREVER?!! "WHAT NO WAY!" I screamed at him and stood up. "what did you think was gonna happen isaura" he looked up at me and started to walk towards me very slowly. I backed away from him and Im pretty sure I looked scared shitless. He was very intimidating. Unlike when we were kids. By now he was so close I could feel his breath on my lips. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer than ever. I struggled to get out of his strong hold. " your mine " he growled.  Releasing me, he started to  walk away. I let out a huge breath I didn't know I was holding.  " be in the Dining Hall in 10" I was so scared I just shook my head yes and with a swoosh of wind he ran off in vampire speed into the Dining Hall. I just fell to the ground and started to cry. I cant say here forever, I just cant!  what about all of my friends back in the human realm. what about Rose, I would miss her so much. she is my bestest friend im sure she is worried sick about me. 


After ten minutes of crying I realised that I needed to get to the dining hall or Alexander would surely yell at me or worse kill me or something.  I got dressed in a nice cute black dress that was thigh length and had lace all over it. 

I put on some plain black pumps and waltzed down the huge staircase. seeing all of the servants eating around the table. When i reached the bottom i noticed Alexander at the end of the long table with his fingers interlaced and his eyebrows furrowed with a frown on his face. I reach the table and take the only seat that is available for me which is right next to Alexander's seat. he seems so angry. " why are you late" he says slowly. he seems to say everything slowly. " I had a hard time getting dressed" I lie quickly trying to make a believable excuse. " I TOLD YOU TO BE HERE 30 MINUTES AGO!!" he screams at me very loudly while banging his hands on the table making everyone turn his way. I flinch and cower back in my seat about to cry. "im sorry next time i will be on time" i sniffle already crying. He scares the crap out of me, I hate this guy, why must life be so cruel to me. " EAT, we will talk later" he says to me authoritively but calmly like nothing happened. everyone continues to eat and ignore the situation. After breakfast everyone went to their rooms or to work. me and alexander being the last ones to leave. I stand up getting ready to just get away from him.  The maid who i met yesterday, who's name i've come to now as Scarlet, is supposed to be showing me around the castle after breakfast anyways. i start to walk away but Alexander grabs my arm roughly stopping me in my tracks. my heart starts to beat really fastly anticipating on whats to come next. he gets up from his chair and leans into my ear " I think its time you learn some rules" he whispers very sinisterly. He tightens his grip and lifts me over his shoulder "let me go you maniac!" I scream while punching his back in hopes her would let me down. He runs in vampire speed to his room. once we get to his room in a split second im thrown onto the edge of his bed. He looks at me with anger but it quickly turns into a smirk on his face. " i tried to give you some freedom but you insist on disrespecting me" what?! how am i disrespecting him. he confuses me so much. " I am going to give you rules and you are going to follow them no matter what" he says looking me straight in my eyes. " rule number one; you will do anything and everything that i say or tell you to do, rule number two; you are not allowed to disrepect, talk back, hit, or argue with me..." this is so stupid he is giving me rules that i most likely will not follow. he can't take my freedom from me and that is what he is trying to do. " Number three; you WILL sleep in the same bed as me if you like it or not, number four; you will change in front of me, take showers with me, and you will kiss me back when I kiss you, and number five, you will not disregard your royal training or your morning routines that you will go through with Scarlet each morning..." the rules seemed to continue to go on and on. this was bull crap! i finally get the courage to speak up, "what is royal training and my morning routines?" i ask. " scarlet will be taking you after breakfast every morning for lessons on how to be a proper queen for me. it doesn't just happen over night you know" he says. "oh..." i softly say. " you may leave now and meet Scarlet in the kitchen" he dismisses me. I rush off into the kitchen eagerly trying to get away from him. I take my time getting to the kitchen to give me a while to think about all of this that has happened to me in a short amount of time. While walking I think of the set of rules that I now have to follow. This is rediculous I shouldn't have any rules, and I shouldn't be under anyones control, I shouldn't even be here right now. I should be at home with rose listening to one direction music blasting through the radio and jumping around and dancing crazily in our pajamas. I should be sitting on our comfortable couch eating cookie dough ice cream and watching sad-romantic movies with my best friend. I miss her so much already. When I finally make it to the kitchen I see servants scattered and running around like chickens with their heads cut off. everyone in the kitchen was working very hard to make everything perfect. I spotted Scarlet at the back of the kitchen standing out of the way. I bet she was waiting on me to get here earlier. Thanks to Alexander I was pretty late. I begin to walk through the kitchen trying to make sure i dont get trampled. but just as i begin to move everyone stops what they are doing and makes way for me to pass by. " excuse me" i say politely to one of the servants while passing by but she doesnt say anything instead she just bows and waits for me to pass. while passing i heard alot of  "my apologies" and "your majesty" and everyone was bowing to me. 'whats going on' i thought. when i finally got to scarlet she bowed to me and said "good morning your majesty are you ready for your training?" "Please just call me isaura" I told her with small smile. She smiled back and politely said, "Im sorry you're Majesty but I can't do that" "why not?" I question. "Because, your grace, the king has strictly told me to address to you in an appropriate manner," "such as: you're Highness, your Majesty, your Grace, Mrs. or Miss, etc." She explained. "OK fine, forget I asked" my head was hurting already and I did not feel like going back and forth about her calling me my name. We walked into the garden passing by all the beautiful flowers. There were roses, tulips, lilies, daisies, sun flowers, etc. There was even some of my favorite flowers planted by the far end of the garden, forget-me-not's, It was truly a beautiful sight. The garden led into a fun maze that had flowers sprouting from it adding some elegance to the plain maze bushes. The garden smelled sweet and fresh and it cleared my head ache. I loved the outdoors. We sat down on a blanket that scarlet set out for both of us. She had all sorts of books and papers in her hands. Them being about how to be a proper Queen and stuff. She also had a little basket of food. I guess we were eating breakfast out here as well. " OK now we will start with manners." "What am I five? I know my manners!" I sort of yelled defending myself. " yes but you must understand the ways that a queen must behave here. are your manners suitable for a Queen?" She asked. "Well-..." " I didn't think so, now let's begin " she cut me off. This is a little frustrating because it's like I never had parents who taught me these things when I was younger. My parents taught me all they were able to while they were still living. She began to teach me the ways on how to be a good queen and how royalty should act and how they should speak and address people. It was a lot to take in actually. There was so many things that I never knew about royalty. I guess I should pay attention.


The lesson went on for about two hours. We also ate the delicious breakfast that she had out for us. It wasn't that bad really but it does get boring at times. We walked back into the castle and Alexander was in the lounge, sitting in a big, brown, comfy rocking chair reading a book and he looked very into it. I walked over to him and sat on the arm off the chair. " we are done with or lessons" I whispered to him trying not to disturb his reading too much. He sat his book down on the stand next to him and looked up at me. " that's great, let's go, there's lots to do" he said getting out of his chair. We walked to his room and he walked into the closet. He threw a very pretty black dress to me and told me to put it on. I tried it on and it was beautiful on me. What is with this guy and the color black though? He's very weird. But I must admit that I look hot in black. He walked out dressed in a black suit and a red tie. He looked very handsome. I can't lie he is so attractive I can't stop looking. His perfect hair to his beautiful blue eyes and his sharp jawline. He was so attractive. Never thought I would think this but I am very lucky to be this guy's mate. Most girls would kill for him. I never really asked him where we were going. He handed me some red bottom heels that made both of our outfits match each others. "Alexander where are we going?" I asked. He grabbed my hand and started to drag me to our unknown destination.  "don't worry about it princess I will tell you later " and with that I left it alone.

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