Chapter 5

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"Where are we going " I asked impatiently after I let him drag me around the castle for a couple minutes. " we are going some where secret " he says with a smile. I am not liking this surprise location one bit. I don't trust Alexander at all and I feel like this is a bad idea to let him take me to this place alone. We end up walking to a far hill just on the outside of the castle. It was set up with a comfortable blanket that had a spread of different foods and some wine. I'm guessing this is a date. Aww how sweet of hi- WAIT what the heck am I thinking. I hate his guts I don't want to sit here all night with this kidnapper maniac. Like I said I don't trust him. He looks at me and sits on the checkered blanket. "Sit" he says to me while patting the spot next to him. I take a seat and take a look at all the food he had prepared. "Why did you bring me out here?" I ask as if I didn't know. "I want to get to know you and I want you get to know me" "whatever, I don't want to get to know you, your a pain in the ass and your a crazy bastard that wants to control everything, I hate you!" I scream at him without thinking. His eyes darken and he starts breathing heavily. " I-I didn't mean-n t-that" my voice falters. " well Isaura I think you meant every word of it" he says angrily. He gets up and sits on a nearby rock. " get up " he demands. I stand up trying not to shake so much. I'm honestly terrified. "Get over here now!" He says more sternly. I walk over to him slowly and carefully being as petrified as I am. " HURRY THE HELL UP!! " he yells making me quicken my speed in walking. I get over to him and wait for him to act or even speak. " I've tried to be nice to you" he grabs my arm and yanks me over to him. " but you continue to disrespect me " he says now in my face entirely. He pulls me over his legs and my butt is in the air with my face at his ankles. This position is quite awkward and embarrassing. "what are you doing!" I stress while being forced over his lap. "SHUT UP!!" he yells and I suddenly feel a hard smack on my bottom. I scream out in pain. Who gives him the right to hit me like that. I am now infuriated. " don't touch me like that!! " I yell while squirming in his tight grip trying to get out of it. I feel another hard smack come crashing down on my butt. I cry this time. it really hurt. "I said... SHUT..." **SMACK!!** "UP!" **SMACK!!** I began to cry even harder. I didn't know what else to do. It hurt so bad and I felt vulnerable. I never knew that spanking was apart of my punishments. It continued until my ass cheeks were completely red as cherries. He finally let me up and I could barely walk. It hurt so bad. "Now sit" he demands a little flushed and out of breath. I am completely embarrassed and angry. I was a crying mess. He had no right to touch me like that. I don't care if I'm his mate, he has no right. I sit down and obey because I really don't want another punishment. I can't stop crying. He sits down with me and begins to eat the food as if nothing happened. I stare for a minute still in shock of what just happened. He looks up at me and glares snapping me out of my trance. I pick up a bread stick and begin to chew on it. The rest of our morning was quiet.


I was currently inside of Alexander's bedroom and I was drawing in the book that he got me a couple days ago its an artist book. I love to draw its one of my favorite things to do. I was drawing a tree and under the tree sat a girl with her head between her knees while she hugs herself and beautiful butterfly's fly out from behind the tree. It was a really pretty picture. I guess it symbolised freedom. I don't know but whatever it was, it was beautiful. I heard heavy footsteps outside of the bedroom door and I looked up at the person currently walking into the room. I didn't know this person and he just came in without Alexander's permission. He didn't say a word to me, he just started... Cleaning? Was he cleaning? He picked up dirty pieces of clothing and emptied the little trash by the door. So I guess he was cleaning. He looked very young and handsome. He had chocolate brown hair and...PURPLE EYES? His eyes were very pretty but I was curious to know the real colour of his eyes and why he decided to wear contacts. No one in their right minds would even care but you see I have been kidnapped and held captive in a castle that I am supposed to call home. I haven't spoken to any one else in this castle except for Alexander and Scarlet. I was bored and I wanted to know. "excuse me.. " I manage to say after a while of staring at the guy. " umm.. excuse me? What is your real eye color?" When I said it aloud I felt pretty silly but still I wanted to talk to this guy and refresh my relationships because right now I only have two. After that question he looked at me but did not say a word. " are you going to answer me? " I questioned a little upset that he ignored me. He looked at me again in panic and dropped his cleaning supplies. "You're Majesty, I was instructed to come in here, clean, and not to say a single word to you. I am breaking rules right now. But if you won't stop pestering me about my stupid eyes then I have no other choice but to break them" I honestly didn't expect him to even answer me that time. But he did. And his voice was soft and beautiful like an Angel. He had some sort of accent I can't exactly pin point it but it sounded like an English mixed with Australian. He looked to the floor in panic "I'm so sorry your majesty. Please don't hurt me- PLEASE DONT TELL ALEXANDER!" he was really scared. "Its ok im not going to hurt you- or-r tell Alexander!" I rushed out trying to get my point across that I will keep him safe "and dont be sorry, if anything I'm sorry. I haven't spoken to any one other then Alexander and Scarlet since I was moved here. I just really am going crazy and I need some one to talk to so please talk to me " I begged him. He looked at me with sympathy and debated on whether he should obey his orders or talk to me. " OK I will talk to you for a little while, then I must go and you mustn't tell anyone that I spoke to you or I will be beheaded " he said in a quiet voice. " of course, of course!" I said excitedly. I was jumping for joy. He sat down next to me on the bed and looked at me. I sat down criss-crossed on the bed and I started with my question from before. "Why do you wear those contacts?" He looked at me strangely. " I don't wear contacts you're Highness " he politely says. " what? How are your eyes purple then?" I was very confused. " this is the color my eyes have always been ever since I was born. I am a vampire and my family were all vampires except for my mother. She was a sorceress. Her as my dad feel in love and had me. Im half sorcerer half vampire. My parents couldn't keep me ore else they would have been kicked out of their village in exile. If any one had found out that they crossed breeds everyone would have liked them at the steak. So to keep everyone safe they sent me and my sister here to Prince Alexander and they said that he could provide for us and keep it secret if we worked for him" he said with a sad face. I felt really bad for him. He had to give up his life with his parents to come and work here for a snob like Alexander because his family couldn't afford to keep him or his sister. They all Would have been killed. I would really like to meet his sister some day. This is so refreshing to actually talk with some one that is NOT  Alexander or Scarlet. We laughed and got to know each other until we began to hear footsteps coming towards the door. The guy scurried up from his sitting position on the bed and picked up all his cleaning utensils. The door opened and Alexander walks in. The guy rushed outside into the hallway and out of sight. I never got his name. I'll try to get it later I mentally told myself. Alexander looked at me and stood at the door for a while. I got up from the bed and stood on the side looking at Alexander. He closed the door and gave me a huge smile. He walked closer to me and when he was right in front of me he pulled my chin up with his finger and stared into my eyes. " hello beautiful " he said in a very seductive tone. " hello Alexander " I greeted him. His eyes were yellow and not their original shade. I could tell he was either very horny or very hungry according to his eye color. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into his chest so my boobs were pressed up against his chest. " Alexander?.." He looked me in my eyes and licked his lips making them wet and plump. " yes my love " he said. " when was the last time you had a decent.. uh... meal?" I asked. He thought about it and answered " I don't know, maybe three days ago ". My eyes widened. THREE DAYS!!?? That's way too long. "Oh my goodness!" " that is way to long Alexander " I told him. I pushed his hands away gently and went to the mini fridge and got a fresh pack of blood. He looked at it and snatched it out of my hands. He drank every last drop. I guess he was very hungry. I watched him gulp it down until it was gone and he licked his lips to make sure he got every drop of it. He looked down at me and his eyes were now to their normal color. "Sorry isaura I don't know what came over me" he said pulling me close again. "Um..well its ok" I say trying to squirm out of his grasp. Lately it seems like that's all I've been doing. Trying to free myself from this prison that I'm trapped in. But I can't leave. Not while there's a beast guarding the exit to my freedom and that beast is Alexander. He pulls me in impossibly closer and holds me tighter. this stops my squirming. "Where are you going?" He asked me in a deep voice. " no-o n- where.. Um I- I was just... Nothing" I didn't even know what I was trying to say. He had my tongue tied and I wish he didn't have this huge affect on me. I wish I wasn't scared of him. but I am and that's probably not going to change. He suddenly let me go and I fell onto the bed from all the force that I had been pushing. He shook his head to rid his thoughts and walked out of the room closing the huge doors behind him. I just sat there and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding back. Why am I so afraid of him. Maybe because he spanked you and he yells and yanks and pulls on your arms and body. My subconscious could really use a mouth plug right about now. I didn't want to battle with myself it wasn't healthy. I am really going mad in this place.

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