Chapter 8

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Today's the big day. The ballroom will be filled with old memories that I don't want to relive. But I dont have a choice. Im still laying in bed and there's two hours until people will start showing up. I honestly just want to stay up here all night. My stomach is twisting and turning. And I begin to feel sick. Alexander walks into the room with a very handsome suit on and he walked up to me. " why are you not dressed yet? People will be here any minute" he said picking me up gently and setting me on my feet. Pulling my arm towards the closet. He pulls out the dress that was picked for me yesterday. He smiles and puts it in my hands. " you will look beautiful in this" he says. I begin to walk into the bathroom but he grabs my wrist and pulls me into his chest. I lose the ability to speak. Our faces closer than I am comfortable with. " look, I'm trying to control myself today, so please just be obedient" I'm a little thrown off by his statement. " you are going to change in here... In front of me...right now" he's so demanding. Would it kill him to be more kind with me once in a while. If he calls being controlling, '' controlling himself" then he is totally screwed up in the head. He let's me go and I stumbled back a bit. "You have to become comfortable with me. We will be married shortly and I want you to learn to love me" HA! Yeah right like I'd ever love my kidnapper. I stare at him for a while until he snaps at me to hurry up. I quickly turn around. Thinking that if I don't see him he's not there creepily watching me dress myself. I try to convince myself but I know he's there and i'm so shy about my body. I slowly pull off pieces of clothing leaving me in just my undergarments. I try to reach for the dress that I lied across a chair in the room but I felt cold hands grasp my bare waist. I gasp really loudly from the sudden coldness and the contact to my skin. I'm freaking out I don't like that he's touching me but yet I don't stop him. Why? Why can't I stop him? Why can't I say anything? He slowly glides his hands up and down my waist and to my breasts. I hold back a moan. WHAT THE FUCK? what's happening? This isn't supposed to be pleasurable. You hate him remember? You hate him. I try to convince myself. Before I know it I let a soft moan slip my mouth. I'm immediately embarrassed. I slap my hand over my mouth just to hear his deep chuckle rumble on my back. "It's ok to like what I'm doing isaura" he says into my ear. I nod my  head and let him touch me. What the hell! I must be under some sort of compelling spell.  What did he do to me? He finally stops, kisses my temple,. and begins to walk out of the room. " please get dressed quickly the guest will be here shortly" he's smirking that little bastard. UGH! I wanna kill him! I finish getting dressed and put on make up and do my hair. I grab my shoes and begin to put them on and there's a knock on the door. "Come in" i say finishing the buckle on my heel. A servant girl walks in and holds the door open. " your majesty, I was instructed to bring you down to the Grand ball at this time" she has an accent. What kind? I can't really put my finger on it but it's a very beautiful accent. I stand and walk out of the room, following the lady to the ball room. " thank you...uh.." i say to her waiting for her name. "Emma" she says. "Emma, thank you" i smile at her and she just keeps walking. This place is completely insane. No one excepts compliments from me. We get to the ball room  and people are already drinking and dancing and having a great time. I see some familiar faces and immediately choke up. I'm not ready but I guess I don't have a choice. I walk into the ballroom and everything stops. The music, the dancing, the talking, and laughter, everything. They just applaud. I am scared shitless and to make matters worse all the attention is on me. "There she is!!" Alexander's voice in a very loud mic scares me even more. "Our former princess of the Sapphire kingdom, now soon to be queen of the Rosewood kingdom." Every one bowed and clapped. The mention of my old kingdom brings back a lot of memories especially seeing some of the old faces from my kingdom here tonight. Tears threaten to pool my eyes but I choke them back and smile. I heard mixtures of "your highness" and "your majesty" 's. I saw Alexander sitting at a long table with his parents. He waved over to me. Wanting me to sit with him and his family. I don't think I'll ever be ready to face his parents again. I walk to them with my head down and hands behind my back  very shyly. I get to Alexander but when I try to sit in my own seat he pulls me onto his lap. I try to get up but he pulls me right back down and pinches my bottom. " be obedient" he reminds me through gritted teeth. I huff and just give in, not trying to cause any trouble. His parents notice me and his mom screeches and tries to hug me. She looks so young and happy. I mean vampires don't age. Alexander let's me up and he stands up also. His mom squeezes the life outta me and his dad nearly crushes my rib cage. " oh darling I've missed you!!" She is a very loud woman. "It's nice to see you again Mr. And Mrs. Dawson" i say and do a little curtsy. I kinda feel silly for being so formal I've known them for forever. "Oh please stop it with the formalities! We are family" his dad says. "Finally my son found his beloved mate" his mom gushes. I am getting nervous so I pick up a wine glass. But Alexander takes it from my hands as soon as I pick it up. " HEY" i say trying to reach for the drink but he pulls it out further. " you will not be drinking tonight" he says setting the drink down. I get really angry and get a boost of confidence. "Since when do you dictate when and what I drink" i put my hands on my hips sassily and his dad now has wide eyes and his mom let's out a small gasp. I turn to her in confusion and turn back to alexander. His face is completely red. He is fuming, I can tell. He still remains calm and straight faced. "Uhh... excuse us we will be right back dear" his mom named Edna says, her husband, named Alexander just like his son, follows her. When they are gone he grabs my wrist and spins me around pulling me towards his body. One of his arms is tightly holding my waist and the other hand is gripping my jaw really hard. I squeal lowly in pain. "Don't you EVER again DISRESPECT ME like that! Especially in front of my parents. You are mine and I will do whatever I please with you. I'm in control. you will know to stay in a woman's place when I'm done with you tonight" He lowly but firmly growls in my ear while slightly shaking me, emphasising some of his words to make them clear. I am really scared and I nod my head yes. He sits down and pulls me onto him. That confidence that I had is long gone. I am quiet and obedient. Just how he wants it. He hands me water and I drink in tiny sips. Edna and her husband Alexander come back and they have big smiles. I sip on my water more frequently to avoid conversation. "So isaura when will you two be giving me grand children?" My water shoots out of my nose and mouth and i choke. " hopefully very soon?" His dad says and I gasp making me choke harder. Alexander pats my back trying to help. I eventually calm down and look at them with wide eyes. "Kids are out of the question" i say shutting it all down. They all give me weird and shocked looks. "We are having kids" Alexander says to me. I look at him trying not to start a fight but how can I just say that I wanna have kids with some one I truly love and not him. How can I just tell them that I don't love their son. I open my mouth but immediately close it again. It's not worth the fight. I will talk to him about it later. They spend the rest of the night talking and having a great time me on the other hand was bored outta my mind I hated it. I wasn't allowed to drink, or dance because what if some guy tried to dance with me or watch me, I wasn't allowed to speak because everything I said caused an argument and then me losing every single one of them, I wasn't even allowed to leave his side for one minute, he even came to the freaking bathroom with me and stood outside the door. I'm telling you he's crazy, and possessive, and controlling. All the guests are finally leaving. Alexander and I have to say our goodbyes to everyone at the door. I give hugs and thank everyone for coming and shake hands and Alexander does the same. It takes what feels like an eternity. We finally get to the last people and it's his parents. They hug us very tightly and say their goodbyes. "See you mom, see you dad" Alexander says while hugging them. "We will be seeing you very soon right?" His mom asks. Why? Why very soon? I think to myself. I'm confused and have a slight puzzled face. "Oh of course, the wedding, we will see you there" he smiles and shuts the door as they walk out. The wedding can't be that soon can it? I have been asking to many questions. But I couldn't have forgotten about the wedding. Of course it's in like a week. Oh fuck my entire life. I break my train of thoughts when I see Alexander staring at me. What the hell. "Don't think I forgot about your little outburst earlier today" he says. oh I kind of forgot about that myself. This can not end well. He walks to me and picks me up very quickly and vampire speeds to his room. Or should I start calling it our room. Why am I thinking about this right now. I'm in big trouble and he's about to let me have it. "What are you going to do to me?" I ask a little frightened. He walks to the closet. But on his way there he grabs a chair and throws it to the middle of the floor. It lands upright. I'm confused and scared at this point. What is he doing? " bend over the fucking chair RIGHT NOW!" He is terrifying. His back muscles flex out of anger through his shirt. I get over the chair and watch him walk inside the closet. He pulls out a tiny whip I instantly start to shake out of fear. My knees start to buckle and I can't control my breathing. He pulls his shirt off and stands beside me next to the chair with the whip in his hand. He looks so hot right now. I'm really conflicted. He's so entrancing and beautiful that I lose some of my fear. His heavenly body is in my view for only a few seconds until he walls behind me. I hold on to the chairs legs and cringe afraid of the impact. "You will learn to be a respectful wife to me isaura" he says and before I know it I feel a hard spank on my behind. I clench my legs And squeeze the chair tighter. "You will not question my authority" I hear another hard crack and my bottom is stinging even worse. I let out a small scream. "You will not raise your voice at me" he says hitting me with the whip once more. But this time it felt strange. It didn't hurt as much. It actually felt... Good? " you will obey me isaura" crack! Another hard whip to my backside. I feel the strange but good feeling again and this time the feeling shoots through my while body I like this. Oh my god! I LIKE THIS!! I don't know what is happening with me. Why am i enjoying being punished. " now that I've gotten my point across you will have ten more whips but this time you will count them out. I want to hear you so I know you understand this punishment is something to be taken seriously" I'm at a loss for words. I feel it again. Crack! The whip hits me. I forget for a moment and then almost shout, "ONE!" and the next. crack! "Two" I slightly moan. Not covering it up. This feels good. It's turning me on. I begin to squeeze my legs together to get rid of some of the tension between them. Crack! "Oh THREE!" I moan loudly this time. There's a pause for a moment and then... Crack! "Uh FOUR!" my moans are getting louder. He stops at four but I am still panting and holding the chair with my legs tightly squeezed shut. He grabs my body and pulls me off of the chair. I am now facing him and panting really hard. " are- are you... Enjoying this? He asked unbelievably. "Um.. Uh y- yes" I say shyly still rubbing my legs together. I look down but immediately regret it after seeing a huge bulge in his pants. I instantly look into his eyes again and they are pure golden. He's turned on too. " isaura your eyes are golden I've never seen that before" he stared at me and I am completely embarrassed. " I'm sorry Alexander I shouldn't be enjoying a  punishment. It just feels so good to think that your so hot with your shirtless body and that whip" what!! Why can't I control my words. I think them and they come out. Not intentionally. He looks at me with wide eyes and then drops the whip. In a second we are on the bed him on top of me. My punishment completely forgotten. He slides his pants off and kick them to the floor. Him now only in his boxers. He smerks. "I didn't know you were such a naughty girl" he whispers in my ear. A shiver runs down my spine and I'm putty in his hands right now. He gets closer to my face our lips barely touching. My heart is beating super fast now. I'm longing for his lips to be on mine. I can't take this teasing. "I'm so attracted to you right now" I say to him holding the back of his neck. My legs are wrapped around his back. I pull his face closer and smash our lips together. This feels amazing. My body is tingling all over. I pull him in with my legs behind him and our crotches rub against each other. I moan loudly. "Ohh ugh!" He begins to run our crotches together repeatedly. I'm completely lost and moaning like crazy. "Ohh ALEXANDER!" I scream. Ive never felt this before. I've never rubbed myself on any one else before. But it feels damn good. He pulls away and start to remove my clothes. I get excited and help him. I'm left in my underwear. He begins to pull off his trousers and I panick. I'm not ready to go all the way. I grab his hand stopping him. I'm not ready for him just yet. "I'm sorry but I'm not ready, its all happening so fast" I say and hold my head down. He pulls my chin with his finger to meet his face. " that's OK let's just sleep" he says kissing my forehead but he gets off of the bed and heads for the bathroom. I thought we were sleeping? "Where are you going?" I ask him. My elbows propped up on the bed. "To take a cold shower" he says. I blush and laugh a little. I pull the covers over me and wait until he comes back. He gets out and puts back on his boxers only and climbes in bed pulling me into him. I'm half asleep now. "Goodnight my love" he says so sweetly making me smile. "Good night" I say. My eyes droop and I'm soon fast asleep.

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