by Kimmy Alan
When shovel'n snow
In the Minnesota cold
I found beneath
A precious treasure to keep
An oil lantern of gold
Just like the ones from tales of old
Instantly I knew what to do
So I rubbed it, 'wouldn't you?'
And just like in fables of yesteryear
Out of the lamp a Genie appeared
"Master, I will grant you three wishes
With only one condition
All three that you choose
Must be to help 'you', improve
Pick anything that doesn't relate
And all your wishes you'll negate
So be careful the wishes you so choose
Mess up just one, and all three you'll loose"
I said, "End world hunger
Bring ever lasting peace to the Middle East
And create a cure for cancer"
The Genie was perplexed
To the point of being vexed
"I told you silly old fool
Only wish for things to improve you
You just wasted three chances
For a life filled with happiness"
"O' ancient one,"
I warned
"You need mind your tongue"
"Every wish I have that I stated
Would result in making me greater
For what greater attributes could be extolled
Than by bettering one's spirit
And improving their soul?"
And nothing will improve my felicity
Than to help improve all of humanity"
"Apologies wise Master," Genie said
With a humble bowed head
"All your wishes will now be granted
By the powers of my enchantment"
Then suddenly into the night
Both lamp and Genie disappeared into oblivion
So I figured I'd better just get back to snow shovel'n
Winter Magic - a multi-author anthology of poetry and prose
AcakAn anthology of winter magic-inspired poetry and prose, written by a number of talented authors.