Chapter 1: Back again?

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It's a few years after KISS saved Magic Mountain from the evil ways of Abner Devereaux, and the park was just starting to recover from the terror that it brought to the staff, and the people who attended during those days. Calvin Richards, the owner of Magic Mountain was sitting at his desk going through some paperwork. Abner was thought of as long gone by everyone. To be honest his whereabouts were unknown at that point in time. Halloween was near, and the park needed an act, a concert, or something to attract attention and money to the park on Halloween night. Calvin called everyone from Led Zeppelin, to Alice Cooper, but they were all busy or booked out.

Snede, the head security officer had dealt with crazy fans breaking into the park to catch a feel of what happened that night. Because of this the park had lost its reputation and was beginning to loose money. They needed a resolution, and fast. Snede walked into Calvin's office to see if he had any luck in booking an act.

"It's no good Snede! No one wants to come. They're all worried that something like the KISS incident will happen to them." He exclaimed while throwing down the paperwork harshly on the desk. "I've told them that the cause of that problem is gone, but that doesn't change their minds."

"I'm not asking you to do this, but we may have no choice. You haven't asked "everyone" as such." Snede replied.

"What on earth do you mean?" Calvin questioned.

"What I mean is, KISS is free on Halloween, I checked with their manager. I would have told you but I didn't want to cause any trouble. I just want the best for the park." Snede said while pacing around the room.

"Alright give them a call. But don't expect them to accept after what happened to them, I know I would never want to come back if I was them." Calvin placed his head in his hands out of frustration.

If KISS declined his offer, the park would have no choice but to close down. The money they were making currently was not nearly enough to pay for all the expenses. Abner's old robots, which were once the main attraction, were starting to break down, and since no one knew how to fix them other than Abner himself, they were forced to lock them away from the public eye.

Investigators discovered human remains of three teenagers in Abner's workshop. It seemed that he had been making real humans into his spectacular attractions. Not surprisingly, this brought more bad press onto the park, resulting in even less people coming to visit.

*at KISS' hotel room*

The talisman glowed brighter than ever, protected by the cosmic forcefield, hidden in a suitcase owned by Paul Stanley. The band members took turns in taking care of them, although they were all responsible if something happened to them. Starchild was writing a love song for a girl he met, Demon was putting out a fire he accidentally lit while using his power to make toast, Space Ace and Catman had teleported somewhere unknown, and their manager was on the phone.

"Ok....yep.....I'll tell them......thanks, bye" their manager told the person on the phone.

"That was Snede, he wants to know if you guys would perform at Magic Mountain's Halloween show, as well as a few shows following that one to raise money for the park. Although, I haven't really given you a choice." He tells the two members in the room.

"Starchild, where are the other two? Use your star to find them, they should hear this" Demon bellowed out in his signature voice.

Starchild focused on the talisman as the beam of light shot out from his right eye. He beamed it onto the Space Ace and the Catman's talisman, connecting the link between them.

"They're just around the corner. Don't worry they're talking about returning in a few minutes" Starchild told the Demon.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Space Ace teleported them both back straight into the hotel room.

"What's the news Starchild? I could feel you spying on us" Space Ace told him

"Yeah my talisman was interrupted right as I was jumping off a building" Catman added

"Why we're you jumping off a building?" Demon questioned

"Ummmm" Catman starts

"He was chasing the neighbourhood dog" Starchild interrupts

"How did you kn-" Catman starts again

"The eye sees all" Starchild smiles while pointing at his right eye.

"Starchild, tell Space Ace and Catman about our upcoming event. Looks like we don't have a choice, even though going back to that place is the last thing I want to do." The Demon stares into the distance like he's reliving those bad memories.

"Snede and Calvin want us back at the park for a Halloween show, and if we don't attend, the park will close down due to money loss" Starchild tells them with a hint of sadness in his voice

"Well we can't have that, Magic Mountain has a lot of memories for us. Not all are bad" Catman says.

"Ack!" Space Ace exclaims, "Tell them we're coming Curly!"

With KISS agreeing to come to the park, Magic Mountain was safe for now as the concert was sure to attract thousands of KISS fans from all over the world. Snede told Calvin that he had booked the band which gave him joy, but also worry that somewhere, somehow, Abner would return. But of course, he told himself that this was impossible.

RETURN OF THE PHANTOM // A KISS fanfiction (completed) Where stories live. Discover now