Chapter 2: Late Night Scares

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The dates were set. KISS would perform once again at Magic Mountain. On the very same stage where they defeated their robot clones created by Devereaux himself. The night was cold, it was 10 o'clock at night, the scheduled time for the park to close. Usually Calvin would lock up and go home at this time but he was too busy sorting out the KISS arrangements to go home just yet.

KISS were to stay in the same room as last time, the decorations still as retro as ever, with fake palm trees and bean bags all around the room. Behind it, lay the wall where Gene's clone attacked those innocent guards. Another evil act of Abner Devereaux.

It was 10:05pm when he experienced the first sign. Calvin heard from outside his office window, the crunching of leaves. The crunching was patterned, like someone was walking through the fallen leaves of the trees. Calvin dismissed this as his imagination, as he was beginning to feel tired.

The second sign came at around 10:21pm when there was a loud knock on his office door. He ignored it at first, thinking it was his imagination once again, but once it happened a second time, he knew it was really happening.

Thinking it was a staff member who might have forgotten something, Calvin stood and opened the door. What he found was quite surprising. There were no traces of anything or anyone who could have knocked on the door just seconds before he opened it. No sounds were heard either.

Calvin went back to his desk and continued sorting out the payment paperwork, but this time he made sure that he was alert.

The third sign occurred at 10:57pm. This was by far the most extreme. First the power went out. Just like that. Calvin was sitting there in the dark, disorientated due to the sudden shock of being left in the dark. Next he heard the door swing wide open. Frozen in fear he stayed very still, but in a matter of seconds all was normal. The lights turned back on and his door was closed shut, like nothing ever happened.

Calvin looked back down to continue his work when he discovered that all was not normal. Some paperwork regarding the dates and times and some other important information on the KISS concert was missing. It had vanished.

Understandably creeped out by the situation, Calvin decided to go home as soon as he could. After all, signs show that someone unknown had been inside his office, with him sitting only centimetres away from the intruder.


*the next day*

"Snede it was the weirdest thing, one minute everything was normal, then the lights went out and someone actually came into my office. Next thing I knew everything was normal again, but the papers regarding the KISS concert were gone. Vanished!" Calvin exclaimed while pacing around Snede's office.

"Well we can't do much about that if there was no sign of where this guy or girl went. But what I can do is reprint the papers you need. There couldn't have been information that whoever that was could use against you or KISS, it should be safe." Snede replied

"Alright thanks. If anything like this happens again you can file a report." Calvin walks out of his office to check on the park.

The grounds of the park were almost deserted. 10 or so people could be seen wondering around, only 3 or 4 on rides. This was the worst the park had been, probably ever. The sales were continuing to decrease, and the park wasn't nearly as bright and fun as it used to be. This place didn't want KISS, it needed KISS.

As Calvin looked to his left, he saw four men moving the huge KISS display, a cardboard cutout of the band, into the place where Abner's "space" display used to stand.

One thing that kept on replaying in Calvin's mind, was the word "why." Why his office? Why the paperwork? Why did whoever that was need the information that the paperwork provided? Another thing he was wondering, was how that person managed to enter his office and leave without a sound or a trace of movement.

Later that night, Calvin locked up the park with caution, making sure the gate was secure and the things inside were safe. He didn't want any more trouble since KISS were scheduled to arrive a couple of days later.

RETURN OF THE PHANTOM // A KISS fanfiction (completed) Where stories live. Discover now