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You and Justin have been dating for 2 years now. You guys are at that stage where it's time to hit third base, and have sex with the guy. But being that you're a virgin, you always get nervous when he tries to pull a move on you. He loves you no matter what, but you can tell he's getting tired of waiting. You know it's time for yourself to man up, and do it. Today, you were going to invite Justin over. You got ready in a sexy purple lingerie just for Justin. You placed some pj's over it along with a robe before Justin hit you up saying he was almost there. You grew nervous, by the way he was texting it was different,no smiley or winky faces. You pushed that thought away when you heard the doorbell ring. You ran to the door, opening it to see Justin standing there, you have him a hug and a kiss. You were certain he could feel your heart beat through your chest. You grabbed his hand, pulling him inside. "Can we talk?" You both said at the same time, you chuckled nervously, grabbing Justin's hand and leading him upstairs to your bedroom, both sitting next to each other on your bed. "You first." You told him smiling. "Alright well," he started, scratching the back of his head looking down. "You know that I love you right?" You nodded your head confusingly. "I don't know how to put this."  He said, not looking into your eyes, "You're not breaking up with me.. Are you?" You asked. He didn't say anything. It was silent for awhile, he broke it standing up. "I'm sorry." He said "What? Is it because I didn't have sex with you?!" I exclaimed. "No it's just, I don't think that we should be together. I love you I do I just don't love you the same that I have before." He said, your mouth dropped, and it felt as if your heart dropped into your stomach and out of your ass... (Idk) tears dwelled into your eyes. "Everything I did was for nothing..." You gulped air, trying to catch a breath. You felt weak at the knees. As if him breaking up with you didn't hurt in your heart, it hurt your body. You began to cry. Your head down at his feet. "Please don't make this harder than it really is." He whispered, you looked up to see him walk out of your room. Leaving you there with no mercy, to take the pain all alone. You crawled to your bed, weak to even stand up, but you did anyways. You took off your robe, along with your pajamas, leaving yourself in the lingerie. You walked to the mirror in your bathroom, looking at yourself. Your makeup smeared, mascara running dramatically down your face, you're beat red, as if you tried suffocating yourself. At that moment you started pointing out every single flaw you had. You got mad, you believed that you were worthless you told yourself you weren't good enough, and Justin breaking up with you proved it. You took off your lingerie, washing off your makeup in the sink, before putting some new pajamas on, and crawling into bed. Crying your eyes out.  

~ Weeks and weeks have gone by. You barely ate, you barely slept, you never got out of bed, your room was only darkness. The light, you hated it. Your phone blew up with notifications of people worrying about you, but you didn't care. No one should. People tried selling your house because they thought one lived there, but you did. Your house was kept dark. As if you wanted to be trapped. You only talked to some people on the phone but only for a short period of time. You heard the doorbell ring for the first time in weeks. You knew it was probably one of those real estate agents trying to make a deal to sell your house, and another day you'd have to tell them no. You groaned, getting out off bed. Your knees locked into place because you barely ever got out of bed. You trudged down the stairs, dragging your feet along with you. You looked a mess and you didn't need a mirror to prove it to you. Your hair was greasy from never washing it, it stuck together in the weirdest places, it was a mess, as it hung like a curtain over your face. You had bags under your eyes, you knew you lost weight, your arms, legs, & stomach showed your bones, perfectly. Chapped blue lips, to go along with your pale face. It hurt walking down the stairs. But you made it to the front door, opening it. "YN?" That voice rang in your head as if it were a song line that has been repeated. "Justin?" Your voice cracked. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I should be asking you that." Your voice raspy. You finally looked up, the bright light hitting perfect at your eyes, making you hiss. "I mean, look at you. This isn't healthy." He walked in grabbing your arm examining it. "What do you want Justin." You barely could speak those nights of you screaming in heart aching pain, crying out Justin's name, sleeping all day, and staying away at night lead to that. You couldn't decide if this was a dream or not. It was as if he wasn't there, and you were falling into your state of mind. You physically slapped yourself, catching Justin by surprise. His eyes watched you intensely, before pulling you in his embrace. "GET OFF ME!" You screamed. "YN Calm down." He held on tighter, as you slithered to get away from him. You started to cry. He slowly laid you both on the ground against the door. You started calming down, your breathing uneasy. He laid your head on his shoulder, fixing your hair down. You silently cried, as you finally had your mental break down in front of him. "You left me." You cried out repeating it over again. He you tighter. "I regret that, I'm so sorry, YN. I didn't even realize what I have done to you." He pulled you closer to him, as if you weren't already closer enough, and honestly you have missed his touch. "I was so worried about you, I tried calling your friends to check up on you, yet they didn't even hear from you. I was getting so scared, people told me you moved, I had to see if you were okay I've missed you so much, I made the biggest mistake of my life breaking up with you, leaving you. I need you. Nothing was the same without you." You heard him sniffle, you looked up, and he looked down at you. He gently caressed your cheek, wiping away only your tears. "Can I please make this up to you?" He asked. You looked up at him, wondering what he was talking about. "Go on a date with me?" He asked. You didn't think you could handle  going outside. Justin grabbed your hand, knowing that you're in deep thought about this one. "Please?", you blinked a couple times, before nodding. He stood up, helping you up. "I'll pick you up at 8." Justin confirmed, you nodded. He grabbed your face with both of his hands, kissing your forehead softly. "I'll see you later tonight." He smiled you missed his smile, you smiled for the first time. Justin walked out of the door. Leaving you there happy. You ran upstairs as if you've been healed. You threw your clothes off, jumping into the shower. You washed, you shaved, and you cleaned your hair with the best smelling shampoo. You felt brand new. You got on a clean pair undergarments, you brushed your hair out, blow drying it straight, you got dressed in the warmest winter clothes still making yourself look decent. You put make up on, sprayed some perfume, you felt all set, it was around 7:30. Almost time for Justin to pick you up. Your heart was racing, you were honestly nervous. You're hoping you look good for Justin. Minutes have gone by. Minutes turned in to an hour, an hour turned into 4. You felt your face becoming numb, your heart slowly breaking. Tears swelled at your eyes, he stood you up. You knew you were worthless... Your cries became louder, you fell onto your bed your head hitting the pillow, once again your makeup smearing, staining your pillow. "No Shh. I'm here, I'm sorry." You heard him say, the bed sinking of the presence. He brought you closer to him, pulling you up against the headboard. "Im here baby. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He cried, you looked at him, he was dressed up as well. "I was on our way to pick you up, my car broke down out in the snow, It took me a while, it got towed, I ended up walking here I'm sorry, I ruined it." You touched his hands, he was freezing cold. You caressed his red cheeks, his nose was red. You locked both of your hands on top of his, warming his up. "You walked here, in the freezing cold, just for me?" You asked, he nodded, you leaned into him, hugging him without releasing your hands from his. That both of your chins were resting on each other's shoulders, you pulled back releasing your warm hands from his cold ones, and placing it on his cheeks, leaning in and kissing him, your noses touching you shivered at the tip of his cold nose brushing against your cheek. You've missed his lips, his lips moved perfectly against yours. You pulled away your lips lightly touching his, your heart racing. You slowly opened your eyes, looking down at his lips, he licked his lips, breathing heavily, his hands now moving to your cheeks, as he leaned in kissing you again, you slowly moved you guys down on the bed, moving slowly on top of him. He pulled away. "You look so beautiful tonight" Justin said, his hands wrapped around your scarf, as he unraveled it from around your neck. He unbuttoned your jacket, pulling it off from your arms, he quickly flipped you guys over now he was hovering over you. His hands moved to your sides, rubbing slowly down your skinny, boney curves, moving back up, as his hands reached under your shirt. He was about to pull it off when instead you pulled away, quickly taking his shirt off. Your hands moved to his abs, as he kissed you with so much passion, now it was his turn. He pulled off your shirt. Caressing your body gently. "Justin, I need you." You moaned for him. "You have me baby girl." He moved a strand of hair out of your face. He brushed his lips down your neck as the landed on your shoulder, placing gentle but firm kissing along your arm. His hands moved to the back of your bra, unclasping it as he slowly pulled it off your body. He held your body close to him for a while, before you both proceeded to take off the rest off each other's clothes. He ripped a hold at the entrance of your brown tights, moving your thong out of the way. He slowly brought his fingers up to your sex. You shuddered at his cold fingers moving along your wet folds. You fought for a breath of air, as he kissed down your bare stomach. You traced your fingers along his tattoos. As his lips met up with you clit, brushing softly against them. You gasped in need. He smiled up at you, teasingly. Before wrapping his lips around your clit, sucking slightly. Getting you wet, making you slither under him for more. His lips never leaving your clit, but his tongue moving down to explore. He knew this was your first time, and he wanted to give you the best you'll ever have because you deserve the best. Your fingers moved through his air, as you let out fits of moans. "Justin.." You said. He stopped and looked up at you. "I can't wait any longer." You whispered. He moved himself up over your body. Pressing his lips on yours. "Are you sure." He asked. "I have been for a while..." You mumbled. He spreads your legs with his knee, he slowly eased himself into you, You're heart skipped a beat, as you felt him spread your walls with length. Your mouth opened wide, tears welling painfully in your eyes. He stopped moving, before kissing around your face. "I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry for hurting you." He said, as he slowly moved back out, then slowly back up, letting you adjust. You were in your own state of mind, moaning. He moved more quickly into you, grunting as his muscles flexed over you, your hands traveled up from his back to his biceps, he held himself up each hand on either side of your face. His arms flexing from you're touch. You felt him expand in you as you tightened around him. "Don't pull out" You told him. He nodded his eyes closed, he moved in figure 8's. Your hips touching each other's. You heard him moan your name before releasing, as you felt yourself reaching your climax. Justin rested himself on top of you. Not pulling out. "I love you, so much. So so much." Justin said. "Don't leave me please." You held him tight against you, his now sweat, warm body against your own. "I don't plan on it."


*A/N hey guys Happy New Years, this year have been the best year and also the worst for me. Im gonna miss 2013, I hope you all have a great time. Sorry if i haven't update, I have been really busy, but I promise i will now. :) VOTE, AND COMMENT! BYE LOVE YOU ALL! 

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