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" Goodbye mom" I said after hugging her for the millionth time.

" you don't have to go" she said for the millionth time.

" I want to" I lied. I'd always been a bad liar, but I'd been saying this lie so frequently, lately, that it almost sounded convincing. She walked me to the plane doors and made me promise to phone her every night. Her eyes filled with tears as the stewardess told her it was time for us to leave. She turned away, hoping I wouldn't see, but I did. I'd never seen her so hurt, before. She didn't honestly think of it as me leaving her, did she?

"I love you, mom" I cried as the doors shut. Tentatively, I made my way through the cabin, stumbling, a few times. After I found my seat, I put my carry on bag, which consisted of a Parka coat and some books, in the top compartment. I sighed as I let my body struggle, in vain, to sink into the second class seats.

" No going back now" I whispered, sorrowfully. 

"That's for sure." A man next to me laughed. I turned to ask him what he was talking about, but lost my words as my eyes took in the God next to me. his pale, marble skin held some sort of acquired perfection, but his eyes... Blood red and full of anticipation, darkened slightly as I, involuntarily, leaned closer towards him.

"Wh-Who are you?" I finally managed to breathe.

"Oh, honey, you'll find out soon enough."He turned around, to face the window, but couldn't help glancing at me, every so often. In an attempt to try and forget about Red eyes, I took a look at my surroundings. In front of me, was a young girl; sixteen, maybe seventeen. With her, was a newborn baby girl. From 'accidental' eavesdropping, I found out that the child was called Laurel, and the mother was fleeing from her parents, who had no idea about the baby. Behind me was a 'so-called' Big shot business man, who was heading to Forks to finalize some plans with a girl called Alice; She was apparently well known in the stock market division. The plane ride went excruciatingly slow, but I carried on trying to find things to distract me.

My body shook, vigorously, waking me up, as we began to descend into Port Angeles city airport. Groggily, I stalked through the airport, looking around for Charlie, by the entrance. My eyes met his and smiled, ready to meet him, but something stopped me. I pushed my body forward, once again, but was stuck in place.

" Isabella." Red eyes whispered, lustfully. "Oh, how I've missed you. It took everything I had, not to change you on the plane, but I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself. You're too mouth-watering."

I stared in horror as he ran out of the airport, and took me to a small empty room. He brought his lips to my neck and allowed his tongue to slide across the surface, circling where my pulse was. 

"Uh, my dad will be wondering where I am." I stammered. "He's the chief of police, you don't want to mess with him." Red eyes chuckled, tongue still on my skin. It sent shivers down my spine.

"My intention is not to hurt you." He began "You'll be of more use to me alive. We just need to... Improve your abilities." With that, he wrapped his lips around my jugular and sunk his teeth into my skin. I tried to scream, but couldn't. My body was being restrained, and while I was lying here, on the ground, writhing in pain, I couldn't help but worry about Charlie. He saw me, he know's I'm here. Did he see my abductor? Maybe Red eyes has found my father, too. I was able to focus on my concern for my father, long enough, that I barely noticed the fire that was slowly engulfing me.

After Hours, days, weeks, however long I was out, I noticed the pain flee from my body, intensifying, only, in my throat. I opened my eyes, faster than I though possible And saw red eyes hovering over me.

Dusk (twilight fan fiction) *Undergoing  editing* WATTYS2015Where stories live. Discover now