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"Mom, for the thousandth time, I'm okay."  My mom hadn't stopped calling since my safe arrival at Charlie's. Apparently, I'd been missing for three days.

"It's a little strange, isn't it? You, suddenly turning up on Charlie's doorstep, unscathed, all smiling. And your eyes! Charlie's a little frightened." I knew where this was going

"I didn't try to run away. I was taken! Charlie saw! But I escaped. I'm lucky, I guess." I got up off my bed, and walked, at human pace, to the mirror. My eyes were definitely cause for concern. 

"I should come out, and check on you." She suggested.

"No!" I shouted, too loudly "I mean, I'm fine, mom. Don't put yourself out."

"Okay, honey. I'll speak to you, soon. I love you." I threw the phone onto my bed, and climbed up to the roof. From here, everything looked so small. I could see, far into the distance. I could hear people shouting, and laughing, miles away. And then, one closer voice, telling me to come into the kitchen. Of course, Charlie would want to talk about what happened.

"I'm sorry, Bells." He began "I wasn't paying attention-"

"Yeah, I know." I interrupted "But it's fine. I'm here, now, totally alive and normal." Yeah, right.

"Tell me, again, what happened. Don't leave anything out. This is important."

"Um... Someone grabbed me, at the airport, and took me to this empty room. They tried to attack me, but I hit him on the head, with a lamp, and ran away. I was a little lost, so it took me some time to find my way back." I lied.

"I thought you said the room was empty?"

"Um... It was. Apart from a few things, like a table and a lamp, and stuff." Charlie looked at me, suspiciously "Look, dad, I'm really tired. We'll talk about it another time. I'd really like to go to sleep, now." Charlie bid me goodnight, and I walked, slowly, up the stairs, making sure I shut my door, loud enough for him to hear. 

What was I going to do tomorrow? How was I going to cope? I had tried to reason with Charlie. To convince him, that home-schooling was the best thing for me, considering what had just happened, but he was adamant that I needed to be surrounded by other people. So, tomorrow, I was starting my first day, at Forks High School. With three-hundred-and-seven humans. As hard as it would be, I was going to have to try and resist. Would that be possible? I only 'ate' last night, and already, I was starting to feel uncomfortable, my imagination running wild, all the possibilities, with the human downstairs.

My father.

I tried to push them back, but it was impossible. He wouldn't scream. I could lure him outside; pretend I'd fallen out my window, or something. And he'd fall for it. His only daughter, so close to death. Or, maybe, I could tell him that I saw something in the woods that had frightened me. It's so easy to die in the woods. And the body would be easily hidden. Or, I could wait until he fell asleep.

But, there's no way, that his disappearance would go un-noted. He's the chief of police, everyone, here, knows him.

Must. Restrain.

But he smells delightful!


I jumped out of my window and ran into the woods, before climbing to the top of one of the tallest trees. Away from my father. Out here I could think.

And what was I thinking? Killing my own father, to satisfy my needs? I'm not a selfish person. 

I wish I could just tell him, what happened to me. But, I know, he'd be too scared. He might kick me out, or tell my mom. They're the only family I have. I can't lose them.

Dusk (twilight fan fiction) *Undergoing  editing* WATTYS2015Where stories live. Discover now