And I agreed to this because...? -- Part 1

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Edward wasn't in school, today. None of the Cullen's were. I sat alone in the cafeteria with my plate of 'food' in front of me. Jessica Stanley took this as her chance to 'try and 'befriend' me again.

"Hey, Isabella." She smiled "Izzy - Can I call you that?" I shook my head. "Okay... Um, we thought you looked a little lonely by yourself and were wondering if you wanted to join us. Mike really wants you to." She scowled at the thought. I shook my head again, but without Emmett around, I wasn't so intimidating. She grabbed my arm and pulled me over to her table; I would have resisted, quite easily, but that would be 'giving up the game' as Emmett had once put it. Mike pulled out a seat for me...Next to him. Awkward. I sat down, reluctantly.

"Everyone, this is Izzy. Since the Cullen's aren't here today, she'll be eating with us." Jessica introduced.

"My name isn't 'Izzy'! It's Bella." I shouted. Everyone at the table lowered their heads awkwardly.

"So, um, I heard there's gonna be a thunderstorm in two weeks." I said, trying to ease the tention.

"So?" Snapped Lauren.

"So, you guys should play some baseball. We are; the Cullen's and I." Everyone looked at me like I'd gone mad.

"Wait, let me get this straight." Laughed Lauren "You want us to go out, in the pouring rain, and play baseball? Do you want us to get pneumonia?" I thought that sports in the rain was the norm in Forks. Obviously not.

"Seriously, why did you invite her, " Lauren whispered to Jessica, thinking I couldn't hear "I'd like to give her pneumonia."

"Lauren," I called "Jealously does not look good on you. But then again, nothing looks good on you. I was dragged here against my will by Ica. I can call you Ica, by the way, Jessica, Can't I?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Oh, you'd better not be mean to me. That would just ruin your plan, wouldn't it? I'm your 'key to popularity' right? That's what you called me, wasn't it? I just, don't want to get my facts mixed up." I smiled at her innocently.

"Hey Bella, " Lauren sneered "Aren't you hungry. You know, I've never actually seen you eat before." Crap!!!!! Observant Cow! I picked up the pizza on my plate and took a big bite out of it. Vile stuff! that would be coming back out again.

"Just not very hungry." I explained. The rest of my week went more or less like this, except Jessica dragged me away from the rest of the Cullen's the other days. Mike stopped coming in after a few days, and no one had seen him around. I told Edward how worried I was, while I was at the Cullen's house. It's not like Mike to miss school. Since I started, he's been eager to come in. Edward confirmed that for me.

"I wish I could say it was my fault that Mike hasn't been in, but after the incident in PE, we both know that's not the case. But, if it's worrying you that much, I'll ask Alice to find out where he is."

"Well it's worrying me lots! Poor Mike! It kills me not to see him, even for a moment!" He tilted his head and looked at me, confused.

"But you never act like this when I'm not with you." I turned my head away, hiding the smile that was slowly creeping up on my face.

"I'll go find Alice." He grumbled. I smiled victoriously and lay down on my bed. In truth, I don't like Mike. It's black and white. Several times he's tried to ask me out. As if I would say yes to him with Edward around; although, I do play it up a bit when he's in hearing range. It's absolutely hilarious! He growls just low enough for me to hear and makes Jasper send over waves of guilt and sadness. I then decide on something, like running off with Mike or dumping Edward, knowing Alice will see it - And Edward too, since he's always in her brain- and sit back, waiting for things to unfold. Wow, that sounds really mean, dosen't it? Well, I like to call it 'helping karma out'. Yeah. That sounds better. I listened to Edward and Alice's conversation.

"That must be wrong." He muttered.

"I'm never wrong!" She hissed.

"Some other explanation, then. A way around it; a way to avoid it."

"There's no way. You have to accept what is." Said Alice.

"That's exactly what you said about Bella." Edward whispered, angrily "'There's no way to change it, Edward. No matter what you do, she's coming. She'll cause you pain. She's your singer. Bitterly human' and then she comes into school, her first day here, as an under control newborn. So don't tell me you're never wrong. Because you're not exactly right."

She sighed "You can try, but you'll only make it worse. I told you Bella's future had changed the day before she came, but you wouldn't hear me out. I've never been more positive in my entire life."

"Maybe your perspective is wrong." He pleaded "Maybe he just has an adrenaline rush at that time. He's still him."

"With eyes like that?" Alice questioned.

"What am I going to tell her?" Edward begged, defeated. I heard Alice walk away, leaving him alone, betrayed by his thoughts. Eventually, he came back upstairs.

"So, what's happening?" I asked.

"Um, Alice can't find anything relating to him in the future. Nothing important anyway. He just has a cold. That's all." I smiled and kissed him goodbye, before going back home. Charlie was sitting up waiting for me.

"Jacob called." He said as I walked through the door. "He wants to hang out with you tomorrow."

"I can't tomorrow." I explained "I'm playing baseball with the Cullen's tomorrow."

"Stupid Cullen controlling her life." Charlie muttered, thinking I couldn't hear.

"Tell Jake to come over on Saturday. I'lll spend the whole day with him. They don't really like me on the rez." Before he could ask, I ran upstairs, waiting for my lying angel.

Its been a while, guys! hope you're not forgetting about me!

Okay! There is one more chapter in this story. It ends on a terrible cliffhanger, I warn you! I know when you read this you can't imagine there being only one chapter left, but I hope to make the next, and last, one quite long. Who knows, It might end up being split, but I hope not. I'm eager to finish this book and start a sequel (yes there will be a sequel). I can't wait to plan. I didn't plan this story at all, every chapter was spontaneous. That's why it's not the best story...

Who wants a dedication on the last ever chapter of this book? Let me know. I have in mind who I'm thinking, but NO hints. xx hope you enjoyed!

Dusk (twilight fan fiction) *Undergoing  editing* WATTYS2015Where stories live. Discover now