Chapter 14

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I'm in the shower at Shane's house.
We were fooling around in the kitchen and he cracked an egg over my head.
I don't have any clothes here so I'm just going to wear Shane's.
I shut the water off and get out.
I dry and pull on Shane's boxers and his shirt.
I towel dry my hair and clean up my mess. I put my clothes in the wash and wander into the kitchen.
He's not in here.
I'm starving.
He probably won't mind if I make food.
I make a sandwich and clean my mess and wander to the living room.
"You made food without asking?" He asks.
"Yes. Should I have asked?"
He shakes his head.
"I was thinking, and how come you had to have your Dad pay your bills?"
I plop down on the couch.
"Because I refused the inheritance." I say. "And when I told him I needed money, I told him how much my bills were, and he just wire transferred the whole lot to me."
"Oh." he frowns. "Okay. And the job? You were practically desperate."
"That's because I didn't have the inheritance yet. Think about it. I quit last year without a look back. Any looking after that was just something to do."
"You're right." He says. "I didn't think about that."
I shrug.
He sits with me as I finish my sandwich, and I put my dish in the dishwasher and wander back to the living room.
"You look sexy in my underwear." He says.
"I like the peep hole." I say, moving it a bit to show the front of my vagina. "It's a breathing spot."
I didn't show my vagina itself, I just showed the front. The area you shave.
He laughs. I sit down next to him, leaning against his side.
He shifts, putting his arm around me.
I yawn.
"Do you want to take a nap with me?" I ask.
He nods.
He shifts so he's laying down, pulling me into his arms.
I cuddle against his chest. He covers us with a blanket.
I lay there, his arm around my waist.
"Are you happy?" He asks softly.
"Yes." I murmur. "Are you?"
He nods against my head.
We're quiet.
"Something's bothering you. What is it?"
He rubs my shoulder.
"I just want to make sure I don't mess up this time. Do you trust me?"
I yawn.
"I trust you with my life."


I have never been happier in my whole life.
She's fast asleep, and I had always wanted to see her sleep.
She's the most adorable sleeper I've ever seen.
She's so peaceful. So innocent. I got up and moved so I can properly watch her.
She's curled into the blanket. Her lips are slightly parted. She's wearing my clothes.
She's wearing my clothes and she's sleeping in my house.
Sometimes when she moves, she smacks her lips a little. I've taken ten million pictures of her.
She's so cute.
My phone vibrates. I look down at it.
Chase: are you fucking right now
I sigh softly.
Me: no?
Chase: we're downstairs
No. Don't come up here.
I want to move her to my bed.
I don't want them waking up.
Plus, to see her cuddling my comforter, in my clothes, in my bed...
That's the best thing I've ever heard.
I start to text Chase and tell him to get a hotel, but I hear my front door open.
I wonder if she's a light sleeper.
I hear voices and footsteps.
She doesn't even stir.
My family starts to file into the living room.
"Oh, how cute!" Chase says, pretending to be gay putting his hand to his heart. "I'll just-"
He reaches out to touch her, and I smack his hand.
"If you wake her up, I'll send you to the street." I threaten quietly.
"I'm not going to wake her up." He says, talking louder than normal.
Felicity shifts on the couch.
"Get out." I say.
"Get out, Chase. If you can't be quiet then you can get out."
"Boys." Dad warns. "You need to get along."
Felicity shifts again on the couch.
"Chase, be respectful and go sit down or I'll send you to the street myself." Mom says. He listens, sitting down. Everyone sits down on the couches.
Felicity is still sleeping.
I relax slightly, reaching for my phone.
And then hers starts ringing.
She doesn't move for a second, and then she starts shifting around.
Lazily, her hand starts moving for her phone.
She grabs mine because it's face down next to me. I lean forward and grabs hers off the coffee table, gently taking mine from her hand and replacing it with hers.
She hasn't even opened her eyes.
She answers her phone, laying it on the side of her face.
She doesn't say anything, and for a second I think she's asleep.
"Yeah?" She mumbles. "No." she runs her hands along her hair. "I didn't." She's quiet for a second. Whoever is on the phone is female. "I don't know." She listens. "Yes." she says. "No, I don't want to." She sighs. "Yes." She sighs again. "It's not?" She sits up, more awake now, rubbing her face. "I'll go check." She stands up, walking out of the room.
She comes back a minute or so later looking stressed.
"Yeah. I'll call her." She looks at me. "Can I use your phone?"
I hand it to her.
"I'm gonna put you on speaker." She says to the person on her phone. She puts them on speaker, unlocking my phone. I never changed the password. She goes to the phone app and dials. She waits.
"Do you have my debit card?" She asks. "No, my wallet ended up on the floor when Shane knocked everything off the counter and some guy turned it in and my card wasn't in it. Nine eight seven six." She says. "I made it when I was eighteen!" She says. She runs her hand across her face. "I don't know what to do." She listens. "Macy, did you check the floor?"
"Yes. I ripped it apart." Macy answers on her phone.
"Okay." She puts my phone on speaker.
"Just call the bank and tell them you lost it and they'll cancel yours and send you a new one."
It's her Mom.
"That's going to take so long, and they're going to send it to New Orleans." She says.
"Then go into the bank." She says.
"I'm not dressed."
"You're not dressed?" Her Mom repeats. "Felicity,"
"I'm not having sex." she says. "I got egg on my clothes. They're in the wash."
"I changed them over a little while ago." I say.
"See?" Her mom says. "It's okay. Do you want me to meet you at the bank?"
She sighs.
"I don', I'll do it myself."
"Okay." She says. "I love you."
"I love you too."
They get off the phone and she hangs up with Macy.
"Thank you." She hands me my phone and walks out of the room.
I follow her. She gets her clothes from the dryer and walks into my bedroom.
I still follow her.
"Somebody stole your card?" I ask.
"I don't know." She says, stressed. She goes into the bathroom, leaving the door open, and l stay here. She comes out dressed.
"Do you have a hairbrush?" She asks.
I nod, walking into the bathroom. She follows me, brushing her hair, fixing it.
She grabs her purse off my bed and I watch as she quickly does her makeup.
It's incredible to watch.
She puts her things away, going back to my bedroom, stepping into her heels.
I catch her hand before she walks out.
She looks at me.
Gently, I push her so she's sitting on my bed.
"Shane," she starts, starting to get up. I kneel in front of her.
"Take a minute to breathe." I run my hands up and down her arm. "Breathe." I murmur. She stares into my eyes for a long time, letting out a slow breath.
"I love you." She whispers.
"I love you too." I smile softly.
I kiss her softly. She kisses me back. I pull away and stand up. She follows me to the living room, grabbing her phone. I put my shoes on, grabbing the keys to the Ferrari.
I started driving my cars.
She looks stressed as hell.
I pull her to the Ferrari.
"What's your bank?"
"Bank of America. I want to go to the sub shop first so I can get my wallet. I'm sorry, I can just take a cab." She starts to get out, but I grab her thigh.
She looks at me, closing the door again.
I keep my hand there as I drive. We take the car elevator down, and I drive her to the sub shop.
She gets out, and I stay in the car while she runs in. She comes back with her wallet, ripping through it.
I start the drive to the bank.
We have so much to talk about.
"Are you going to stay in New Orleans?" I ask.
She looks at me, and starts fiddling with her hands.
"I don't want to talk about it right now, okay?" She looks at me.
She's really stressed.
She's communicating. Last time she just upped and left.
She's taking food from my house without asking. She's sleeping in my underwear.
She's good. We're good.
"Okay." I nod.
She starts giggling.
"What?" I ask, playfully poking her in the ribs. She squirms, giggling.
"I just realized that I'm the whore." She says. "Because I got drunk with my boss and got in his lap in a mini skirt and made him hard, and then I gave him a handjob. I didn't even kiss you." She giggles.
I laugh, pushing her hair back as I drive, smiling.
"I never lost my wallet, you know? That day when I texted you. I didn't lose my wallet. I just wanted to talk to you."
She starts laughing harder.
She's so adorable. I'm grinning wildly.
She calms, leaning over to kiss my cheek.
"I'm in love with you, you know." I say matter-of-factly.
"I'm in love with you too."
I glance at her. She's smiling.
When I look back at the street, the light that was just green is red, and there's a stopped semi in front of us. I slam on the breaks.
My tires squeal, and we collide into the back of the truck.
The semi car behind us slams into us.
I look at Felicity, and the the world goes black.


The car is smoking.
I have a really bad pain in my neck.
Shane is unconscious.
It's strange. It's like I forgot what happened. I don't know how I got here and how we crashed. We were just laughing.
The car is smoking.

Get out of the car, Felicity.

I listen to myself, getting out of the car.
It's smoking and Shane is still inside.
People are stopped.
The car is totaled.
What the hell happened?
I can't get to the other side. The car catches on fire.

Get Shane out of the car, Felicity.

I slide over the hood, yanking Shane's door open.
I take his seatbelt off, and people rush to help me.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
The car behind me is on fire.
We lay Shane on the ground.

Get them out of their car, Felicity.

Blindly, I go over there. It's just one woman.
I pull her out and lay her down.
I get everything important out of Shane's car.
He's still breathing.
The semi driver is out of the car. I hear sirens.
Everyone is telling me to sit down.
I think I'm injured.
I'm vaguely aware of an intense pain in my head.
Somebody is making me sit, but I keep blindly pushing them off of me.
Police officers try talking to me, but I can't hear him. The paramedics are taking Shane.
No. I'm going with him.
I need to go with him.
I try, but paramedics are pulling me back.
I notice my Mom talking to officers, and my Dad is trying to talk to me.
I don't know what happened.
The ambulance drives off with Shane in it.
I need to go after him.
They're taking him away from me.
I start trying to shove them out of the way, and they're all restraining me.
Finally, one of them stabs a needle in my arm.
The world goes black.

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