Chapter 19: Darkness Hides in the Light

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Chapter 19: Darkness Hides in the Light

“So, this is the place?”

Brandon nodded at his son. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been here, but it’s definitely the place.

“Wow,” Trey said, inching closer to the stone monstrosity that stood hundreds of feet high. It reminded him of the sky scrapers of the big city, the way they seemed to go on without end, but this was even bigger, spreading out in every direction. If seconds ago he wasn’t staring at it from a couple miles away, he would have sworn he was staring at a cliff, albeit one that finely constructed. Either way, such a massive structure humbled the teen, and knowing he’d soon be inside worried him a bit too.

“Let’s go, and be careful,” Trey nodded as he followed his father, careful to stay a few steps behind as they journeyed around the massive structure. It had been three days since Ashley was taken, since his life was turned upside down. He knew his life wasn’t normal since discovering his powers, but he never thought it would go this far. He thought it would be a cool little trick he could do, for fun, and maybe to help him and a few friends. Even though he didn’t plan to do anything big with them, he thought it might be kind of cool to be like those comic book heroes who would save the world. But he never thought it could be real.

Though now it was.

“There it is,” Trey said as they rounded the first corner and they saw the opening, the almost natural looking stairs that led deeper into the ground, to be swallowed up by this…whatever it was.

“That must be where they’re holding her.” Brandon took the steps one at a time, wanting to go faster, but didn’t want to get away from Trey. He couldn’t forgive himself if something happened to him, but despite his concerns, Trey wanted to come when he heard what happened. And Brandon was glad he didn’t have to do this alone. He could use the help; he had gotten rusty over the years, while Zack was as strong as ever, and as determined to get what he wanted. He wanted to run into Zack to pay him back but another part of him was hoping they’d be able to get in and out without any conflict. It probably wouldn’t work out that way, but if he and his kids could all get away safely, then he’d say it was a good day.

“This place feels kind of weird,” Trey said as the floor had leveled out, the area ahead lit from deep within and the designs in the stone evident even in the near darkness. But before he could focus on the strange surroundings, Trey felt something that definitely wasn’t right, like the dawn of darkness, a terrible force hidden, but oh so close, dangerously close at that. Like it was ready to jump out and bite him should he take another step forward.

“That’s to be expected, this is the place where earth and hell collide,” Brandon said, seemingly unfazed by his own statement, but it made Trey take a heavy gulp, even though it was something he already knew.  Here was the portal that sealed the Nightwings in hell, the mortals who choose the foolish path of darkness, who let it become their master. Their condemnation was permanent, but they longed for a time, even if just a short one where they would be free to rain their havoc upon humanity.

They both wondered what the Nightwings could want with Ashley. Brandon thought of that phone call while working, the Guardian he met those many years ago, and the warning that followed. How he thought it was a prank, despite the fact whoever was on the other end of the line knew way too much for it to just be a lucky guess. Brandon thought of the possibilities, a hostage, or maybe she had some gift like the rest of them. That would make sense, but for the Nightwings to capture her instead of just killing her to eliminate a threat was unheard of. And this frightened Brandon even more.

There was so much he didn’t know, so much danger he was running into, and knowing that right behind him, was his own son. If he failed, and lost his own life, well he’d come to accept that war sometimes demanded that. But if anything happened to Trey because he wasn’t strong enough, that was something else. Trey may have come of his own will, but Brandon knew it was still his responsibility to keep him safe.

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