~Chapter One~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

"You're going to pay!" "Please, have mercy! I didn't mean to eat your chips!" "Yeah, like I'm going to believe that!" "InuYasha.....Sit boy!" I quickly pulled out my mini pillow I always keep with me, to make InuYasha's fall not too painful. "Thanks....(y/n)...." "Anytime."

Kagome sighed. "You know, InuYasha, I can always just go back to my time and get some more chips." InuYasha's ears perked at this statement. "Would you mind...?" "Fine, I'll go back and go get some chips." "Thank you!" "But I think I'll stay a few days to relax, go to school, etc." "But I want the chips now!" "InuYasha, I think you can wait a little longer." "No, (y/n), I can't!" "Then I guess I can't kiss you..." InuYasha sighed. "Fine, I guess I can wait. Now, give me my kiss." "Well, since you asked so nicely..." I then kissed InuYasha. Shippo made gagging noises.

"You think you've learned your lesson?" "Yes, now please, let me go (y/n)!" "Okay." I then let Shippo go. That'll teach him to make my relationship with InuYasha look disgusting. "Well, I must be off, if I want to make it in time for dinner." "Okay, bye!" "See you later Kagome!" Kagome then left on her bicycle.

We continued our picnic. It was fun to eat, and just enjoy each other's company. Of course, InuYasha, he didn't agree with me. "Come on, let's go find Naraku!" "InuYasha, that wouldn't be wise." "And why not?" "We need Kagome, she's an important member of our group." "I agree. And for once, we could just relax. Wouldn't that be nice?" "Hardly..." "InuYasha...Please, for me..." "I hate it when you do that." "And why is that?" "I think you know why." I giggled. InuYasha's just so cute!

Too soon, it started to get dark. "I'll go get the firewood." InuYasha then left, and came back once he had the firewood. We then started a fire. During a chilly evening, such as today, a fire is just what we needed.

"(y/n), are you cold?" "A bit, yes." "Then come here." I went over to InuYasha, and he put his arms around me. "Better?" "Much, thank you." Soon, InuYasha fell asleep. But for some reason, I couldn't fall asleep. I tried to get out of InuYasha's grip, but that didn't work. "Please....Stay...." Aw, he's so cute when he talks in his sleep. So, instead of sleeping in my sleeping bag, I slept in InuYasha's arms. But now that I think about it, that's better than my sleeping bag any day.

We're finally on the third book. I'm excited for this book. If you wouldn't mind leaving a comment, it'd be appreciated. Later my fellow readers! =^-^= 

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