~Chapter Three~

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~InuYasha's P.O.V~

I waited for (y/n) to wake up. She sure is taking her sweet time, making me worry like this. Soon though, I heard groaning. I looked over to (y/n), to see her waking up. "(y/n)! How are you?" "My head hurts....Along with the rest of my body." "Come on, I'll take you to..." Wait, Kagome's in her own world. I guess I'm just going to have to rely on this time's remedies. Luckily for me, we're near Kaede's place. I then picked up (y/n), then headed for the old hag's place.

"You say she just collapsed?" "Yes. So, what's wrong with her!?" "It seems that she has fallen ill." "I can see that, you hag! I want to know why she's ill!" "It seems like it's the effect from a poisonous scorpion demon." "Is there any cure?" "There is, but I don't have the cure for it. But I know someone who does have a cure for almost all diseases." "Well, who are they? And where can I find them?" "East of here, you'll find a lady named Selena." "Then let's go!" "Wait, InuYasha!" "What is it, you old hag?" "You can't be so hasty in moving (y/n)." "And why not?" "This poison could easily kill her at any second." "WHAT!?!" (y/n) said, with fear written all over her eyes. "I...Could die....Any second...." "Then why shouldn't I hurry?" "Because, you don't want to make the poison work faster." "But-" I then heard very fast breathing. I looked over to see it was (y/n), hyperventilating. "Child, you must calm down." "I....Don't...Want....To...DIE!" "(y/n), please, calm down." But no matter what I said, (y/n) wouldn't listen.

Calm down, my loved one.

There is hope, my sweet.

Please, understand.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel.

So, smile, and be happy.

I sang this quick lullaby that I had made on the spot to (y/n). I'll admit that it's a pretty crappy song, but it seemed to work. "You have a beautiful singing voice." "Thank you." "Are you alright, child?" "I think I'll be fine, thank you." "Well, best be going. But remember, don't go too fast." "Alright, alright, let's just go!" I then picked up (y/n), and put her on my back. She put her arms around my neck, but gently.

As we were about to leave the village, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kilala came up to us. "Where're you going?" "I'm taking (y/n) to get a cure for her illness." "(y/n)'s ill!?!""Yes, apparently, it's the effect of a scorpion demon." "Oh, my goodness...." "Poor (y/n)..." Even Kilala whined. I sighed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be going." "Let us come with you." "What, no! You'll only slow me down!" "Come on, (y/n)'s our friend too." "Yeah!" I groaned. "Fine, let's go." Kilala then turned into her huge form. "Thanks Kilala, but I'd rather carry (y/n) myself." Kilala nodded, and together, we started heading east. Don't worry (y/n), I swear on my life, I'll save you!     

I hope you enjoyed. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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