~Chapter Six~

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~InuYasha's P.O.V~

Okay, it's been a whole day, and we haven't reached Madoka's place yet. Probably because I have humans slowing me down, plus a child demon. "Hurry up!" I yelled at them. "We're hurrying!" Sheesh, humans are so slow! 

"Do you see Madoka's place?" "Nope." Damn it! "Are you looking for Madoka's place?" I looked to see who said that. The woman was short, had black hair, and looked like she was in her teens.

"Why, hello, fair lady." Of course, Miroku had to be a pervert. "Back off!" The woman said while slapping Miroku. "O...Okay...." Finally, Miroku's getting what he deserves. Sango giggled.

"Yes, we're looking for Madoka's place." "Then, come with me." We then followed the woman to a decent sized house. "This is my house." "So? We're looking for Madoka!" "You idiot...I'm Madoka Momi!" "Oh...."

"So, what do you need?" "We need to turn my friend into a half-demon." "I see...." "So, will you turn (y/n) into a half-demon, or not!?" "Why do you want to turn this young girl into a half-demon?" "She's ill, and your sister, Selena, told us that her potion would only work if you'd turn her into a half-demon." "Selena...I haven't seen her in ages...."

I was starting to get impatient. "If you want to turn (y/n) into a half-demon, she'll need to drink this." Madoka said while getting a blue bottle off of a high shelf. "If she drinks this, the next thing that bites her....That's what she'll become." "Huh?" "InuYasha, if (y/n) drinks this. And then, you bite her, she'll turn into a half-demon." "Oh..." "There is a side effect you should know about." "What?!" "The creature that bites the person with the potion....Will go savage for about 5 hours." "So, you're saying that if I bite (y/n), I'll go savage?" "Yes." If that really is the case....I could possibly kill (y/n)!!!!

"We can't." Everyone looked shocked. "Why not?" "I don't want to kill (y/n) by accident. I'd never be able to forgive myself if I did that..." "InuYasha..." I looked to see that (y/n) was awake. "How long have you been awake?" "Long enough to understand the situation. And....I'm willing to take the risk." "But-" "Don't worry, if I really become a half-demon, then shouldn't I be able to take care of myself?" "But...." "InuYasha, if I die because you were scared, I'll never forgive you. So, please, for my sake, DO THIS!" My head hung down, as I agreed.

"Here, come on in here." (y/n) and I followed Madoka into a square room. "This room will contain you, once your savage. But, I can't guarantee that you'll make it out alive, (y/n). Most people die using this solution. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" "Yes, I am." "Then, here." Madoka handed (y/n) the blue bottle. "Once I leave, drink this. Then, have InuYasha bite you. It doesn't have to be a hard bite, just enough to draw blood. After that, drink my sister's potion. Then, you'll be completely cured. But, I don't have a solution for InuYasha going savage." "I understand completely." "You are a brave soul." Madoka then left.

"(y/n), are you sure-" "YES!" I had never seen (y/n) look so determined. "You ready?" I nodded. (y/n) then drank the liquid in the blue bottle. "Come on, bite me!" I hesitantly bit (y/n) on the arm. She groaned in pain, as small amounts of blood trickled down (y/n)'s arm. "Here." I handed (y/n) the potion Selena gave me. But, I noticed my vision going in and out. (y/n) quickly drank the potion.

I couldn't believe it, (y/n)'s wound on her arm was better, and she looked healthier than ever. "InuYasha, it worked!" That made me smile. I saw, and (y/n) had (hair color) puppy ears. She also had acquired claws, and sharp teeth. Luckily, her beautiful (eye color) eyes stayed the same.

Then, things started going for the worse. I started growling, and even tried to strike at (y/n). She avoided the strike. "(y/n)....I....Can't....Control....Myself....Much....Longer...." That's the last I could really remember. (y/n), please, don't die by my hand!

I hope you enjoyed. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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