Chapter 1

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A/N-- If you are reading this than you have probably read the description. If not let me explain to you that this is a novel that looks at the lives of several LGBT students. If you do not agree with the positions in this novel. You are welcome to click the "Back" button and forget that you ever began reading. I hope that you all enjoy this!
Love, April Asylum.

Walking into the office I regretted the very thing that got me into this situation.

"Hey.. um. Thanks for tutoring me. I was not even close to understanding limits." I muttered in my awkward, antisocial way.

Blake smiled at me, his white teeth could still shine in the faded light as we walked out the school, "No problem. I can help anytime."

Blake was one of just one of those guys that you know will one day turn grass into a form of car fuel. He was extremely smart, and not just in Pre-Calculus which was my hardest class. Blake was always the guy who sat near the front of the class, shouting out answers when know one else knew. Though he was most certainly a nerd, people just seemed to like his "sunny disposition". I, however, was the awkward boy in the back of the class that longed for my English period where I would not have to worry about X, Y, and Z, but instead I could explore the depths of Julius Caesar and write poetry about the seemly perfect life I was living.

Although my antisocial look on life seemed to suggest otherwise, my family really was perfect. My mother was a big-shot defense lawyer and my father was a neurosurgeon, therefore making money the least of our problems. My seventeen year old sister, Katie, and my four year old brother, Tyler, and I lived in a really nice neighborhood in a really nice, really expensive house. Like I said, money was not an issue. Despite all of this, Katie was the only one who seemed to be drawn to the life of popularity. She was currently the head of the cheerleading squad and captain of the volleyball and soccer team, the rest of her popularity just came from who she was, likable. Though, Katie's social status stayed top notch, I remained in the unknown, most students at our school had no idea we were even related.

It was not as if I were simply unattractive. My family's Italian descent gave me dark chocolate hair and mocha skin color. Years of cross country allowed me to think and also kept me very fit. Yes, I was probably fairly attractive and could have had a whole sling of girlfriends by now, but I simply did not care. I had not met anyone who made me feel different. Well, until now.

A couple weeks ago, I had been struggling on matrix problems when my pre-calculus teacher handed back our previous unit's test, D+. I remember groaning as the bell rang, there was no way I was going to get an A in the class, and a B seemed next to impossible. As I started to pack up my stuff, somebody came over to my desk. It was Blake. I had no idea why, when I had stayed invisible for so long, Blake picked that day to come and talk to me. He glanced down at my test and then simply asked if I needed help with the class.

If it had been anyone else, I might have rejected offer to preserve my loneliness. But Blake seemed so eager to help and truth was I really did want an A, so I accepted his offer and he had been tutoring me ever since.


My mind was brought back to reality when Blake spoke my name. We now stood in front of the school waiting for my parents to arrive. Day time must have slipped away during our study session because the sky was now black with a sprinkle of stars. The only light came from a nearby streetlight that was broken up by a leaves of the large tree we stood under. Though it was quite dark, I could see Blake staring at me. I began to feel a strange sensation in my stomach.

"Yeah?" I replied.

Blake looked away for a moment, hiding his embarrassment. When he looked back, there was certainly emotion in his eyes. Fear, uncertainty, hope, maybe excitement? " Are you? Um...."

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