Chapter 3

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Hey guys... super sorry it took so long. Finals and stuff have gotten in the way of things... BUT its a super long chappie. However I havent proof read it yet so beware of awful mistakes!!! Feedback would be amazing!


Their faces turned towards me. All I saw was shame.

I saw tears running to Blake’s eyes.

“This is what you wanted to show me? Fine, I understand.” He spoke, his voice filled with hurt.

“Dude… please… it wasn’t like that.” I pleaded with him. Suddenly emotion swelled up inside me. A longing for him to believe me, because the last thing I wanted was for him to be hurt.

Wow maybe I am gay.

Heart-broken Blake turned from me sniffing tears and began to run across the park. No thought came in my mind other than to stop him and hold him, comfort him, until I could properly explain. The next thing I knew my legs were pumping and I was racing after him.

In a distance I heard LeAnn say she was sorry and that she would cover for me back home. Not that I cared about home. I just wanted to catch Blake.

After many yards my legs began to feel sore. I cursed at myself for quitting cross-country. It had kept me fit and free, heck maybe I will start it up again. Beginning of junior year.

Pushing away those thoughts I pushed forward and saw I was defiantly gaining distance on him. The park being as large as it was meant we weren’t even out of it yet. We were getting close to the gate when I basically pounced on Blake. We rolled off the sidewalk into the grass. Blake was struggling, and trying to not let me see his tears.

“Blake, listen to me.” I spoke gently to him.

He looked up at me and stopped struggling. His beautiful eyes were red and puffy from crying. I felt horrible for the pain I caused him.

“Blake, that wasn’t what you thought. LeAnn is…” I didn’t know if I should tell him. Because it wasn’t for me to tell, but I realized he would keep a secret if needed. “Lesbian. She didn’t know, but she wanted to see if kissing a boy would change anything. It didn’t.”

Blake searched my face, trying to find clues that I was lying. “Did you feel anything?” he asked quietly.

I smiled at him and hugged him close, “No I didn’t, I promise.”

He hugged me back and we stood up. He asked if I wanted to walk around the park or not and I said sure. As we walked around he talked to me. About his life and plans and anything else that came to mind. I listened and thought about what he was saying, and about other things.

When I was growing up I thought that gays and lesbians were bad. They are freaks that dress like the opposite sex and act dumb. But really? Is that the truth? Walking with Blake, I realized I really did have feelings towards him. But we weren’t acting different. Sure we kissed once and I’ve hugged him a couple times, but we aren’t dressing in tight clothes, or running around making a scene. We are just normal people.

Blake talked about how his parents reacted when he told them he was gay. They were surprised most of all, but eventually supportive. They didn’t belong to a church or organization that had strong anti-gay views. They just avoided those groups. He said how he didn’t understand why he couldn’t just love who he wanted.

When he finished talking we were at my house. Blake smiled at me and told me to text him later. I nodded and smiled. I suspect we would have hugged then but the chance of my parents looking out the window caused Blake to just turn around and leave.

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