Chapter 9: their back

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~next day~
I turned off my alarm and got up. I walked into my bathroom and took a shower. Once I was done I put on a black tank top and a crop top that said I donut care with a black skirt and black combat boots

 Once I was done I put on a black tank top and a crop top that said I donut care with a black skirt and black combat boots

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I then put on my mask and cloak along with my power jewelry but the strange thing was that mine amulet was glowing which ment the few was close

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I then put on my mask and cloak along with my power jewelry but the strange thing was that mine amulet was glowing which ment the few was close. I adjusted my mask and cloak making sure it was straight then ignored my amulet.
I then grabbed my backpack and walked out the door to see the gang running up to me. (Skyarmy)
We walked to school. Once we got to school I got what I needed from my locker and started walking with all my friends (let's pretend she is friends with the my street guys cause I forgot)
When an announcement came over the intercom.
we all just shrugged and changed course for the gym. When we got in the gym there was a little stage set up with a little room made of curtains as a little back stage area but the strange thing was, when we walked past it my amulet started glowing even brighter but when we sat down on the bleachers it started to calm down but was still glowing bright but not as bright.
"So what do you guys think this is about" garroth asked
"I don't know but I have a bad feeling about this." I said and me and the gang exchanged some worried looks. Just then the principal walked on stage and started talking.
"Hello students today we have a special visit from our town protectors the few because they have something they need to talk to y'all about." She said and then to my worst nightmare out from the backstage area and onto the stage walked out the few in their suits. I yelped quietly under my breath and started tearing up causing all my friends to look and me concerned and the gang to look at me and the few back and forth with that "oh crap" look.
"Ok before we start we are gonna answer some questions and we will tell you if we are about to answer them and if not we will answer you." Katz said
Then someone raised their hand and was called on
"Where is lady Thor" they asked which got me and the gang even more worried then everyone in the gym was counting the members of the few and taking into realization that I'm not up there.
"That is why we are here" Jose said
"Recently lady Thor was threatened and was told if she didn't leave then we would all die and because we are like her family she didn't want that so she ran.. But we don't care what her stupid uncle told her we just need her here. So we started looking and we managed to track her power jewel to this school but we could track any closer then that. But we know she is here cause all our gems are glowing which means she is close and we are not leaving here till she comes out. Cause jess I know your in there so I just want to say. Please come out we all miss you... I miss you jess. I loved you." sly said and he put his head down. I couldnt help it I knew I couldn't hide any longer.
"I HATE YOU SO MUCH SLY" I yelled standing up bringing all eyes on me and causing sly to look up at me.
"That was uncalled for" Kala said looking at me.
"What gives you the right to say that kind of thing to me.. Reveal yourself" sly said looking angry. Now all eyes including teachers and the few were all on me.
"As you wish starkie" I said which cause their faces to light up cause that's the nick name I have given to sly. I then took off my hood and mask letting my long black hair flow down and I took off my amulet revealing my lightning bolt birthmark on my shoulder and holding it up showing it glowing really bright. Everyone but mostly my friends were staring at me with shock and a bit of betral. The few look ecstatic. Sly then turned on his boosters and few straight for me and picked me up and spun me around in the air I just laughed and everyone was still staring at me. We landed on the stage and then I did something I haven't done in a while.. I kissed sly and when we broke apart I looked over at the crowd and at my friends and I saw the hurt in my guy friends' faces well except for to gang. I then whispered in Sly's ear
"Is my hamster active" I whispered giggling. He sighed
"1st its a hammer and 2nd yes it never deactivated" he said and backed away from me knowing what I was about to do and he even whispered to the rest of the few and they all backed up making all the students very confused until I held up my hand and yelled the line to summon my hammer if it has been a long time since summoning it.
"I LADY THOR GODDESS OF THUNDER CALL UPON MY BELOVED MJOLNIR" I then heard  the sound of something moving really fast and my hammer flew into my hand. And as soon as it touched my hand lightning struck me and I heard a couple of screams and cries and I even heard ivy say "serves that loser right she deserves to die." But then I could hear and she everyone gasp and stare at me in shock when the lightning cleared and I was in my asguardian armor.
Then I heard the entire few yell
"LADY THOR IS BACK BABY" Then next thing I know I'm in the middle of a group hug with them.

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