Operation: Ruin Sandara Park

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Jiyong pulled over his Bentley in front of a famous club in Seoul where all of his friends are waiting. The blast of loud music and the colorful flashing lights welcomed him as he entered.

It has been two weeks already since he arrived from the States to Seoul, but this was the only time he had to catch up with his old friends. He was busy from all the business-related affairs as a preparation for the formal announcement that he will be the next CEO of Kwon Corporation.

And of course, there’s the addition problem about his so-called ‘fiancée’.

Unconsciously, he smirked at the thought of Dara. These past few days, that girl and her ‘Operation: Ruin the Engagement’ became his main source of entertainment.

Everything started when his father told him that he is really serious about marrying him off to his mother’s best friend’s daughter. He only found out about his dear fiancée when he returned to Seoul from America.

It was his mother’s dying wish and his dad is willing to do everything to make that stupid pact possible.

At first, he was livid and vehemently disagree. But after his father had another heart attack, his love for his father dominated his heart. It may not be obvious, but he really loves his father so much.

But of course, being arrogant, selfish, manipulative, cunning and creative person that he was, he turned the problem into a challenge. And that started the ‘Operation: Ruin the Engagement’—or to be more apt, ‘Operation: Ruin Park Sandara’. His grin got wider at the thought.

He sat down at the elevated part of the bar and ordered his first drink for the night. He scanned the crowd for a familiar face, but he doesn’t recognize anyone.

‘Great, those scumbags dare to make me wait?’ he thought. None of his friends are still there. Then, his mind drifted back to his ‘fiancée’.

After doing sever research on Park Sandara, he learned that the most convenient part of attacking her was her job. Right after their dinner, he quickly enforced his ‘operation’.

And the first part was to send many complaint letters to her agency regarding her inefficient and irresponsive behavior. After a week of pestering her, his second phase is already ready wherein one of his insiders will spread a rumor that Sandara is a masochist and have gone through abortion before.

He unconsciously chuckled at his plans. Oh they were such a hit.

‘I must be Shakespeare in my past life. Kekekeke...’ he thought, praising his self.

Oh how glad he is to imagine the angry and beet red face of his mighty fiancée. He bet, after a week, she’ll give up on her own. And if not, well he could still come up with a couple of creative ways to torment her.


“Dara, you should not let those rumorss eat you up. Nobody even believes it.”

Automatically, Jiyong’s eyes shot up to the direction of the voice where it came from.

Slowly, he turned his head at the back of the table he was sitting upon. Long brown hair, flawless skin, petite—confirmed.

It was his fiancée, talking to some guy beside her. Jiyong easily recognized her despite her old maid look when they first met.

“I know that, Seung hyun. But it’s hard not to be affected.” Dara let out a smile at the guy beside her. And it did not escape Jiyong’s sharp sensory preceptor that there was sweetness in the way she smiled at him.

He chuckled to himself. At the age of twenty-five, Jiyong was already an expert in the art of flirting. And he cannot be wrong—Dara was flirting with this guy.

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