Chapter 3

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*Louis' POV* (A/N: YASSSSS)

     "Can we pleaseeeeeee go to Nandos?"

     "No, Niall, we can't go to Nandos."

     "But Paul!"

"No Niall, we always go to Nandos."

"But I'm hungry!" Niall pouted, crossing his arms across his chest. Zayn chuckled at the Irish boy and walked up to him, wrapping his arm around his shoulders.

"When aren't you hungry, mate?" Zayn asked. Niall opened his mouth to answer, closing it right after. We all laughed before he held up his finger, signaling he had an idea.

"When I'm eating." We all laughed at his words as he grinned sheepishly. "But seriously, Nandos. Now."

"Look, I don't care where we go, as long as it isn't Nandos." Liam spoke up from the doorway of our dressing room.

We had just finished a show in London. It's the start of our tour and we wanted to kick it off in a big arena, so this seemed like a good place.

We all got up from the couches, following security to the back exit of the arena, all of us bickering over where to go eat. Well, okay, we're trying to get Niall to stop suggesting Nandos and open his options up. So far, no such luck.

"Hey Lou!" Harry ran up to me, slinging his arm around my shoulders. We were both sweaty and smelled of it, too. It didn't really bother us though, we were both used to it after all the touring we had been doing for the past year and a half.

"Hey, Haz. What's up?" I asked him, throwing my arm over his shoulders, making us have an extremely weird feeling hold on each other.

"The sky." Harry laughed at his own joke, looking at me with bright eyes, expecting the same reaction. I chuckled and looked up.

"Well, actually it's the roof right now, but I suppose you were pretty close," I shrugged. He just rolled his eyes and looked behind us at the lads, then looked in front of us at our security team, who was leading the way out.

"Hey, Lou?" Harry whispered. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow at him with a questioning gaze. "I'm bored. What do you say we race everyone to the door?" He grinned at me, which I returned.

Okay, yes, I get that the security team is the group of people who get to decide if I get attacked by screaming masses of females, but they're still so fun to mess with. And yes, they have threatened Harry and I by saying that they'd let the fans get us, but we still take our chances. Maybe it's because I'm a rebel, or maybe it's just because we find it fun, but it is my favorite hobby.

"Ooh, I am so in. What direction is the exit?" I asked him quietly, hoping nobody hears us. I looked around, not seeing an exit sign anywhere.

"How am I supposed to know? Besides, when have we ever cared about where we were going?"

"You...make a good point. Count of 3?" I asked him, taking my arm off his shoulders. He did the same to me and nodded.

"On the count of three."



"3!" We both yell, sprinting off in front of the security team.

Harry and I are both laughing like maniacs as we hear the security team screaming at us to stop, and then we hear the pounding of their footsteps, causing us to run faster than we ever have before.

"LEFT!" Harry yelled. I followed his instructions and took a sharp left. We continued down the long corridor, hoping to outrun our pursuers.

"I see the exit!" I call out to him, pointing to the sign. He nods and we hurry towards it, security's footsteps still pounding after us.

I throw the door open to the back of the arena. A loud 'thump' is heard after I do. Harry and I look at each other before looking at the ground where a young teen girl lay, unconscious at our feet.


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