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(A/n did you guys read chapt 12 yet? For some reason I cant open it...damnit! I needed to rant to your something... i guess i will just screenshot the chapter and post a separate chapt then.
P.s if you havent read chat 12 yet pls do! Thanks! ^^)

I started running towards Asuka, under the rain.

Happy tears fell from my eyes. I finally remember you Asuka.

She was getting closer and closer as I continued running.

I reached out to back-hug her. "Don't ever leave me again, Eto Asuka." I whispered in her ear.

I hugged her tighter. She held my hand gently.

"I love you alot." I whispered. I kissed her neck down to her collarbone. I bit the skin just above her collabone leaving a hickey.

I heard her moan softly and smiled upon that.

I missed you alot, Asuka. I love you alot Asuka.

I longed for you Asuka.

"So don't leave me again okay?" I mumbled with my lips still against her skin.

She nodded but she started sobbing.

I frowned. I released her and spun her around.

The rain stopped leaving soft drizzles. Tears ran down her pale face. Tears were also threatening to fall from my eye as well.

"Waegure?" I asked and used my thumb to wipe away the tears. She shook her head and started smiling and laughing.

I laughed as well and connected our lips. We moved softly yet passionately.

I cupped her face and deepened the kiss, moving faster and rougher.

I felt her smile and I smiled as well.

After some time, I pulled away and held her waist.

I looked at her softly. I pushed back the wet strands of hair to the back of her ear.

"I missed you my alien." She mumbled and looked down.

I held her chin up and leaned in closer.

"I missed you too." I said and smiled.

I pecked her lips again and smiled against her lips.


We made our way to her apartment with our hands intertwined together.

I looked at her and she looked at me smiling.

She is so precious.

I dragged her to her bedroom and grabbed a towel.

I dried her hair with the towel. "I am drying my jagi's hair, jagi's hair, jagi's hair. I am drying Asuka's hair~" I sang while drying her hair.

She giggled. "Aish stop singing!" She complained.

I sticked out my tongue and continued.

She puffed her cheeks and turned around.

I used this opportunity to trap her using the towel. She looked at me shocked and blushed.

I smirked slightly and pulled the towel resulting her moving closer to me.

"Jagiya, why are you blushing?" I teased. She blushed even more and pushed me.

I fell to the bed but I pulled her along with me as well resulting in both of us falling.

We laid side by side and I stared into her eyes lovingly. 

"I love you Asuka." I whispered and hugged her tighter.

I placed my chin on her head and tapped her shoulder steadily.

"Sleep well Asuka." I mumbled and kissed the top of her head.

I closed my eyes as well feeling the warmth of her.

Goodnight Asuka.

I love you,

I missed you,

I love you alot Asuka.


My wifi is down so im using my data.. urghhhhhh

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