Female #2: Ruby Marshall

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Name: Ruby Marshall

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: She has natural red hair, which is the reason for her name. It is always curled and Ruby can´t do anything against it. Even the instruments of the capitol can´t change that fact. Ruby has ice blue eyes, that make you feel as if you freeze, when you look at them. She´s also really small and thin for her age.

Personality: Ruby pretends to be nice, when she meets new people, but in reality she´s a cold and calculating person. That´s the reason why her friends sometimes call her the ice angel. She has only a few friends, who know her really good, because she´s afraid of getting hurt, if someone gets to near.

History: Her father died when she was four years old and she had to learn to look after herself, cause her mother cried almost the whole time. Ruby grew up faster than other children, even though her mum recovered from the mourning three years after the death. Nevertheless, her mother wasn´t often at home, as she worked really hard to save the industry of her father. Ruby is grateful for it, but wishes, that she would see mother more often.

Reason for Participation: Ruby volunteered to break free of her normal life, because she would rather die in those games, than to commit suicide due to the unusual high stress in her life.

Skills: She knows how to survive difficult situations and has a really good healing ability.

Favourite tribute type: Ruby likes tributes with a similar past. Instead of killing everyone they see, they should also help injured tributes, so that they can have a entertaining fighter later in the games. She liked it, when the alliance had to fight against themselves, what revealed the true character traits and strengths of the tributes.

Weapon of choice: Gun, because she liked to shoot every time, when she was angry about something.

Token: A necklace with the ring of her father, which is one of the last things she has from him.

Other: Finders, Keepers

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