Name: Ariana Harraway
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: A short petite skinny girl. Looks younger than her age in appearance, some people have questioned whether she is about 11-12. She has long brown hair that nicely frames her figure. Her face is a pale skin, not dyed like most of the citizens of the Captiol. She doesn't like the flash, colour & craziness of the fashion world. Her face is clear of blemishes, has freckles & perfect feature, untouched & unaltered. Green eyes, a button nose & small beautifully rose coloured lips. Her clothing is basic, mostly girly dresses until about 10, nowadays she wears mainly denim shorts & dark tops, against her mother's wishes.
Personality: She is quite, mostly unnoticed by most. She has many opinions but the majority of what she wants to say is discouraged & often she is punished when she speaks out. Mainly she is friendly & quite sweet to people. She has quite a backbone though. If someone gets on her nerves she isn't afraid to stand up for herself.
History: Ariana was born to Fabian & Quinella Harraway, 2 of the most famous people in the Capitol, known for their amazing work in the voluntary & fashion industries respectively. However Ariana, her parent's 4th child, was not good at anything her parents were, and for that they mainly ignored her & focused on their other children. Her grandmother, Evangeline, was usually disgraced at her mother for ignoring Ariana, so she would take the young girl into her home & parents wouldn't even notice she was gone. When the young girl was 7 Evangeline adopted her, with her parents fully agreeing saying she was a disgrace to the family name & separated themselves from Evangeline & Ariana. 7 years on Ariana looks after her Grandmother & volunteers at the elderly home when she isn't completing school. When she is with her grandmother she is allowed to voice her opinions however, not in public as she has learnt over time.
Reason for Participation: For the last 10 years that Ariana has watched & understood the games, she has come to the realisation of what the Districts feel about them. Ariana, in tow with her many opinions, decided to sign up for the Gamemaker Games to bring back meaning to the games & the people of Panem once & for all that their sacrifice is not a lonesome one.
Skills: Ariana has always been good with a Bow & Arrow, playing Pop the Balloon at school & winning 90% of the time. Because of this she is also quite good with Blow Darts. She can swim quite well, however she isn't very capable when it comes to running for a long time.
Favourite Tribute Type: Ariana prefers to go for the tributes from lower Districts who she thinks will be able to defy the odds. That is what she believes she will do.
Weapon of Choice: Bow & Arrow or Blow Darts.
Token: A set of hair pins jewels with roses. It was given to her as a parting gift from her mother & the only thing the remains from her childhood with her original family.
Other: Finders Keeper
The Gamemaker Games - Finders, Keepers (5 spots left)
RastgeleThe Hunger Games of the past years have been no real pleasure in the President's opinion. He expects the Games to entertain him and the other (Capitol) citizens. Because the games shall return to their old glory, he decides to introduce a whole new...