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The Sanctuary wasn't quiet and hence, it wasn't easy to sneak in. But she was Darquesse. She was the impossible. She was better and stronger than Valkyrie ever was with far more bloodlust.

She was sick of being hunted. She would not be locked up inside the pathetic head of Valkyrie Cain. Darquesse was angry and the innocent would pay.

Her shoes clicked against the stone ground as she entered the gaol. The guard on duty took a mere step towards her and seconds later the walls were sticky with his remains, stained crimson. Each cell within was filled with a prisoner.

"Who wants to die?" she asked, malice lacing her words. Her eyes glittered as theirs filled with fear. Each of them knew exactly who she was as they shook their heads.

"Well," she continued sweetly, "in that case, you'll have to do something for me. I'll release you and you'll kill everybody here.''

Darquesse flicked her wrist and the first cell sprang open. "I'm assuming you all heard that."

Cells began to click open and prisoners emerged. Various vampires had already shed their skin and were hungry. None of the prisoners were stupid enough to disobey Darquesse. That would be painful. They surged from the gaol and attacked.

"I don't suppose anyone knows where I can find Nefarian Serpine?" Darquesse asked, stepping out into the carnage a few minutes later. Limbs lay splattered next to their corpses. A river of blood washed up to her feet. "Surely the sanctuary knows."

A small, poxy man stepped forward. "Rumour has it... Uh... China Sorrows knows."

"What other rumours are there?" she responded out of curiosity more than anything.

"She's sent a team after the God Killed sword. Uh... She means to kill... you."

Darquesse narrowed her eyes.

"Being a detective isn't all about torture and murder and monsters. Sometimes it gets truly unpleasant...The fate of the world may depend on whether or not you can bring yourself to visit your relatives."
- Derek Landy; sp

Fan art by mirariablue49

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Fan art by mirariablue49

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