Chapter 1

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"Mackenzie Taylor! Mackenzie Taylor!" I guy with a clipboard yelled as he continuously search the room.

"Yes?" I said as I raise my hand for him to notice 

"You're on in 5 minutes. Get ready." He said as he stand next to me. "After the break, Ellen will call your  name and you enter. Got it?"

"Seriously?! That was so easy of course I got it!" I say as he tap on my shoulder and walked away.

I sat  there and just put on a little more eyeliner when my phone buzzed. It was a call from my friend Victoria. She is my best-friend/ cast member.

"Hey Mack!" She greeted cheerfully.

"Hey Tori!" I replied as cheer full as I can be. 

"Wanna go shopping later?"

"Sure, I'd love too! What time?"

"How about 6:30 p.m?" 

"Okay. see you later, got to go. Bye!" 

"Bye!" She said and we both hanged-up.

I take a glass of water and took a sip. As I did the guy with the clip-board showed up again and said I was on in 5 seconds. Right on cue Ellen called my name and I walked inside receiving claps from the audience. Ellen and I exchanged greetings as I sit down the chair.

"How are you? It's been a while like 2 years."

"I'm fine, I'm working on a new album." I said as the crowd cheered.

"When will it be re-leased?" Ellen asked.

"I'm hopping this summer, but um it's kinda hard writing while you know? Filming."

"What's the name of your show? And how was it?"

"It's called Friend Zoned and it's going good. Thee ratings just goes up all the time."

"What is it about?"

"Well It's a comedy and romance kind of show."

"So who are you with? Who are your casts members?"

"Um Victoria Dean she plays the role of the main character's best friend which is kind of easy because in real life we have known each other since high school. Jean-Luc Bilodeau plays the role as the guy who is friend zoned by me. And like Megan Park, Freddie Stroma, Selena Gomez and lots more."

"That is some really great actors. I got to start watching your show." She said. "Now let's change the topic to boys. How long have you been dating Jean?"

"We aren't dating."

"Yeah right. We all know you are."

"Jean and I are just taking things slow." I said.

The interview went on and the next thing I knew it was time to go. Can't wait for tonight.

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