Kid, I Know.

813 19 27

For some reason, Frisk and Asriel were still both asleep. Probably cause they were tired from waking up in the middle of he night, and helping me recover.

I looked around, and it seemed like I could escape.

Pfft, it not like I would randomly go to Sans' house to see if he didnt actually DIE.

Ya know, its just to take a breather!

I sneaked out of the room, looked both ways of the hallway, and went to the kitchen.

What? I was starving!

I got Frisk's backp- Er, I mean MY backpack when I frist fell underground.

I stuffed it with leftover cake from my party.
Oh, and flashlights, my phone, and last,

Mom's Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie.

I slammed the door to Snowdin Forest open, remembering that it was midnight.  I walked away slowly, but when I reached the other gate, I went running towarfs Sans' house like a madwoman.

The cold wind blew through my hair, and the sound of my slippers crunching through the snow was all I could hear.

But, when I reached Snowdin Town, I couldn't hear anything.

It was peacefull and quiet.

I saw a blue light in the distance. I thought it was a streetlight,  even though I've never seen a blue streetlight before.

"Where the hell is that stupid-" I said in annoyance befpre bumping into something. Or, someone.

"W h o  a r e  y o u ?"The person asked.

"Hey! Whoever you are, watch it! Im trying to look for Sans!"I angrily stomped.

I heard the sounds of glitching, but it stopped.

"Wait, kid? Why are ya looking for me?"The voice revealed itself.

Well, no need to say who it is.

"I swear, I could punch you in the face."I shouted.

"With your lips? Yes."He threw a pick-up line in my face. The nerve of that guy!

"Anyways, back to the question. Why were you looking for me?"Sans looked at me with a serious look.

"None of your busniess! And why were you out here in the middle of the night?!"I somehow managed to keep him out of the question.

He looked at me, and chuckled. What the hell was so funny?

"Well, say those words to you too, kid!" He joked.

"Im going." I turned and started to walk away.

"Oh...Well, see ya I guess.."He said, feeling dissapointed.

I felt bad, but I needed to go. After I knew that he was safe,  I had no pourpose there anymore.

"W-wait..!"I turned and reached my arm to him.

"Kid, I know."

(Um, can I make Chara lose her Tusundereness for the next chap?  Only one chap, and thats it.
Well, I can make her accidentally spill a potion to lose her personality for Sans, and make it something else.)

Sleeping Stars, You Stole My Heart.  (Sans X Chara) HIATUS & EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now