Chapter 4 The Aftermath

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(After the date)
"That was incredibly fun human! I think that we are now friends! Well, see you later!'
Papyrus seems really nice. You go to see if Sans is at his post. He isn't. No surprise there. You go back to the skelebros house,  and ask Papyrus if he has seen Sans. He says No. You go to grillbys, and He isn't there either. You decide to wait for him back at his house.
(Time skip brought to you by VR Undertale.)
Sans has finally come back home. You ask him where he's been.
Hey kiddo. Oh, I was just taking care of something.
You noticed that his eye is glowing purple, and his hoodie is zipped up and covered in... dust?
You ask him where it's from. He does not reply.
So kid, how old are ya? You look like your 15. Am I right?
You answer by saying yes, and ask the question again.
Look kid. Don't worry about it. Everything's fine.
You ask about his eye.
"Oh, this? It glows... ah, I don't really know. It Just started when I met you."
(Meant for that last sentence to be in bold)
So, kiddo. Wanna go to Grillbys? He's got killer ketchup.
You decline his offer. Something seems off.
Really kid? You just can't eat Paps spaghetti without needin something to wash it down.
You decline again.
Welp, your loss. See ya!
He walks out the door, and you go upstairs to Papyrus' room. You were staying there for now, since it was clean. You heard a thud from Sans' room. You went to check. The door was locked. You dismissed the thought of someone breaking in, because Sans had no Windows, for some strange reason. You went and got changed into something that wouldn't be noticed. Especially not by Sans. You had developed feeling to a yandere extent for the short skelly, and you were going to Grillbys to watch him. You got on your white sweatshirt, and black jeans. The least noticeable outfit you had. You went out the door, and began walking to Grillbys.

Sorry it is taking so long to get to the actual smut part, but it will come in the next few chapters, I promise. But anyway, I will be responding to anyone who comments in the next day, until 6:30 on November 8 th. See ya'll lata!

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