Watch Your Back

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  In the streets of Manhattan, one can get lost; extremely lost. But don't dare to get lost in the wrong parts. I did, and it definitely did not end well. It was either join or be killed. I knew too much.

  "ALETHIA!" screamed my mother. I was upstairs, well... she thought I was upstairs. I was actually on the rooftop. I knew I wasn't supposed to be smoking weed.. but I did anyway. I hid it in my closet and sprayed myself down. I then proceeded to run down the stairs to see what on earth she could possibly want at ten at night. "Yes, mom?" I said in the most sickeningly sweet tone I could muster. "I need you to run to the store really quickly, please." I internally screamed as she said these words. She was always sending me on errands at odd times, day and night. "What could you need at ten at night that is so important it couldn't wait until the morning?" She rolled her eyes at me, and then glared at me with a "eat-shit-and-go-to-hell" look. I sighed and took her notebook with her list in it. I grabbed my keys on the way out and sped off in my Mustang with my music blaring so as to drown out my irritation with my mother for making me do this late at night. Thankfully, I had a cigarette stuffed in my glovebox. I lit it and exhaled with relief. I only liked it because it was helping me to be rebellious against my mom, who was always nagging at me to be perfect.
      I arrived at the store and threw my cigarette butt out the window. As soon as I walked through the door, I conveniently ran into someone I was acquainted with. "Oops, I'm sorry." When I looked up, I saw the handsome face and the bright blue eyes of Nikolai Davidson. I held back the instant urge to gasp at who I had just ran smack into. He smiled a breathtaking smile down at me. "No problem, gorgeous." he said smoothly with a wink and he strode off, taking my breath with him as he went. I stared after him until I realized that if he turned around, I'd simply seem creepy. I knew where I had met him before, and it wasn't school. It was at the Elitist's meetings.

Author note: Hi, I'm aware it's short but I wanted to introduce Nikolai and Alethia. Ill post more soon, hope you like it so far.

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