His Butler, Taking the Stage (part 2)

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Author's Note:

What's up guys!! So, I decided to update early. I couldn't help myself. I hope you all enjoy!


~~Furenzu's POV~~

Claire was sitting beside me in the carriage, staring out the window absently. I could tell she was remembering again, causing herself more pain. But I knew that she couldn't help it either. It's rough lossing someone you love so dearly. The rest of us knew that from the years we lived thinking Claire was dead, knowing our mother was dead, and witnessing our father turn against us. It surely didn't help her that Lizzie and Quintin were too busy being lovey dovey to realize how it was effecting her, not that their actions needed to revolve around how they impact Claire. It's their relationship, after all. But the rest of us wanted to do something to lift her spirits a bit. We knew of one thing that she was at least a little happy about, so we decided to prepare for it.

I don't think she's caught on to the surprise yet. The others only have so long to get it ready. The interview won't take that long and the ride back is a bit long, but not long enough to be back after the sun sets. They better hurry.


~~Sebastian's POV~~

Joker led me through the tents and past many caged animals and circus performers who were all cleaning up or relaxing after the show.

"Right this way. Sorry it's so filthy", he said. We turned a corner between tents and saw the man with snakes from the performance. "Ah, Snake! Is the doc in the medical tent?" The man looked up at us and didn't say a word as the snake around his neck seemed to point its tail. "Oh, maybe he's making rounds."

"Say, isn't that the boy who got bitten by the tiger?", that Wendy girl asked.

"That's him. Stupid boy!", that Peter kid replied. He chuckled as I ignored the both of them and followed Joker. Finally, we entered one of the tents. Many familiar performers were inside.

"Good, there he is. Doc!", Joker called. The man turned from what appeared to be checking on Dagger's prosthetic right leg. Who knew. The man was in a wheelchair and turned around fully with a smile.

"Hello, Joker. Is your hand acting up again?", he asked. Joker held up his skeletal hand.

"Naw, today I've got someone else–" Dagger gasped as he seemed to recognize me and he stood up and pointed at me.

"It's you! You're the one who just got bitten by Betty!", he said. The doctor's eyes widened.

"Betty?! That's terrible. We've got to get you to the infirmary!", he insisted. So, we went to a different tent, where the doctor proceeded to check my head for injuries while Joker and Dagger stood by. "Did you really get bitten by a tiger? I don't see any wound..."

"Just an affectionate nip", I said as I smiled at the memory.

"Affectionate?", Joker asked.

"Nip?", Dagger asked as they both recalled the incident.

"Well, I'm just glad you're all right", the doctor said.

"Too true!", Joker agreed as he approached from behind. "I was afeard the troupe leader'd kill me for letting a customer get hurt!" I looked up at Joker with a serious face.

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