It's Out!!

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What's up guys!! The 3rd book is out!! And earlier than planned (it was meant to be released tomorrow, but I couldn't wait)!! Don't forget, the title is Won't You Stay This Time? ! The picture attached above is the cover of the book. You can now find this book through a search on Wattpad or you could just visit my account and find it in my works!

I was really hoping to have all the chapters done before publishing, but I wasn't able to get them all done due to school and personal issues. Don't worry though! I will do everything I can to make sure chapters are ready on time or publish them as soon as they are done if they are not done on time!

Now, I thought maybe I would give a little update on other books to come while I'm here.

Currently, I am working on 2 books, though that's not all I have drafted. The first is a Tokyo Ghoul fanfiction much like this series (it's based off the anime) and I have the main character, her back story, her involvement, and I'm currently working on the chapters. I look forward to getting this book out as I really like Tokyo Ghoul despite all the feels.

The second book is kinda like the first book I ever wrote on Wattpad (Little DEAD Riding Hood?!). Basically, I expanded on the story of Little Red Riding Hood and made the story my own. However, it is a really old writing of mine (I'm a junior in high school and wrote it freshman year, my first time ever writing a book), so I do feel like it's a bad example of my writing and I really do think that I've gotten a whole lot better since then. But if you want to go check it out, then I won't stop you. Just keep in mind that it's an old writing and the first book I have ever written and probably still needs to go through editing or even a rewrite. Anyway, on to the book I'm writing like it. Like before, I'm taking a fairytale and twisting it to be my own thing. That doesn't mean I'm changing names and such and just rewriting the fairytale, no. I'm expanding on the fairytale, like what happens after "The End". The fairytale/story that I've chosen to work with this time is Alice in Wonderland and I hope to get everything figured out and going soon. I have characters and such for it, but I haven't figured out all of the plot yet. I'm close though, there's just more that needs to be done and I'm putting so much work into it.

So, yep, I'm working on a Tokyo Ghoul fanfiction and an Alice in Wonderland expansion. I hope those sound interesting and I hope to get them out to the public soon.

[EDIT: The Alice in Wonderland book I was talking about has changed a little. As I was going through and coming up with ideas for the plot and character involvement, I soon realized that the world I was creating really wasn't anything like Wonderland and it wouldn't make sense to claim it as an expansion off of Alice in Wonderland, especially when the fairy tale itself isn't really mentioned or referred back to at all. In Little DEAD Riding Hood?!, the fairy tale was referred back to some in the plot, at least enough to have involvement. With this book, Alice in Wonderland isn't really even referred back to at all and really only resembles it in the sense that there is kinda a war or disagreement between two kingdoms/cities. That's not enough to claim it as an expansion. Therefore, the book I am working on is now being stated as having no affiliation with Alice in Wonderland and is fully my own work. The only way the two are connected is that Alice in Wonderland kinda inspired it and gave me the idea for it, but they are not similar and are not connected. It will be a completely different story altogether, so if you read it please do not connect it back to said fairy tale.]

Also, regarding the question & answer book, I do have a question that can be answered, but before I answer it, I'd like to get parts out that contain all the OCs, their names, a picture, and what book they are from. I am behind, but I will answer the question soon. But please feel free to ask any questions! I will get them all answered soon! I only have the one question right now and I would absolutely love to have more if there are any!

Anyway, enjoy the 3rd book of the series, Won't You Stay This Time?, and keep an eye out for more of my works if you're interested!! We're not done yet!


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