His Butler, Hired (part 1)

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~~Claire's POV~~

Lizzie and Quintin were sitting across from Furenzu and I, smiling and flirting. I couldn't help but admire their relationship. I could see how much they love each other as they smiled and gazed at each other lovingly while saying the cheesiest things. But the cheesey things always seem to work and have mostly always been great to me. Of course, being unique is important, too.

It was hard for me to believe that only four or five months ago I had been in a similar relationship. A loving relationship with the most amazing guy I had ever met. Even if I did ever get over Ciel's passing, anyone new would have to accept all of me and more and I'm not sure they would. But it doesn't matter, because there won't ever be anyone else.

Despite what happened to my relationship, I was still very happy for Lizzie and Quintin and wished them as much happiness as humanly possible.


~~Sebastian's POV~~

"This area is off-limits", Snake said to me. I looked over at him from the corner of my eyes. "...says Wilde." A snake by his head hissed while another behind me slithered against my feet. From what I could see into the tent behind him, which I assumed was his, there were more snakes. A lot more snakes. An orange and white snake hissed at me and lifted its tail in a specific direction. When Snake spoke, his voice had changed. "The exit's that way! ...says Goethe." I smiled.

"You're too kind", I said and bowed my head slightly before following the snake's instructions to avoid suspicion.

So he speaks through the snakes in a way. They seem to speak through him.

The snakes hissed again as they followed me with their heads and Snake followed me with his eyes.

"Ta-ta!", Snake calls. "...says Goethe."

I exit the circus and walk to the carriages that are still waiting, opening the door to the one the young master and Claire were in. Claire had fallen asleep and was leaning on the young master's shoulder while he had an arm around her, his cheeks bright red. He carefully lifted his cane and tapped the roof to signal the driver to move, which signaled the other carriages to start moving.

~~Claire's POV~~

I was woken up by the sudden movement of the carriage and noticed that I was being held by Ciel in a way and blushed lightly. He looked down at me apologetically.

"Sorry, my love", he said and I nodded, sitting up as he looked at Sebastian seriously. "Report."

"I'm afraid I was interrupted before I'd made a full circuit of the camp", Sebastian informed us. "I'd like to penetrate a bit deeper into their organization, but I have a request for you, Claire, and her siblings in that regard..." Sebastian smiled.

"What?", Ciel and I asked in unison. Sebastian looked at us and his smiled widened.

<Time Skip>

"I'm asking you why that suddenly became the plan!", Ciel said. We had all just arrived at the townhouse and my siblings had been caught up on the plan. It was late and most of us were tired, but Ciel had to approve the plan. "When did I order you to say that?!" Sebastian took Ciel's hat and coat.

"Does it inconvenience you, my lord?", Sebastian asked. Ciel growled lowly and glared back at Sebastian before sighing.

"Well, we'll argue about it later", he said. "I'm exhausted and I'm sure everyone else is, too. I want to go straight to bed."

"Certainly, but...", Sebastian trailed off as a door to the left was swung open.

"CIEL!", Soma greeted and smiled. "Ciel, I'm so glad you're here! I've been waiting and waiting!" Agni approached from behind Soma.

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