His Butler, Colleague (part 2)

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~~Claire's POV~~

From the mansion emerged a woman with tan skin, blue eyes, and light purple hair pulled back into a long braid and three men with pale skin, red eyes, and dark purple hair. One of the men had a longer strand of hair on his left, another on his right, and the other on both sides. I assumed they were triplets.

The triplet with longer strands of hair on both sides approached the carriage door and opened it. Quintin was first to step out of the carriage and offered his hand to Lizzie to help her out, which she gladly accepted. After those two was Furenzu, who turned back and offered a hand to me. I accepted it and began to climb out of the carriage, having a bit of difficulty that resulted in the triplet with a longer strand of hair on his right to offered a hand to me to also help me. Once I was out of the carriage, the triplet with two longer strands of hair closed the carriage door and the woman approached us.

"Good afternoon, lords and ladies", she said as she and the triplets bowed their heads to us in a line respectfully. "We welcome you to the Trancy manor." They lifted their heads. "I am the maid, Hannah Annafellows. This is Thompson." She gestured to the triplet with his strands of hair to his right. "This is Timber." She gestured to the triplet with his strand of hair on both sides. "And this is Canterbury." She gestured to the triplet with his strand of hair to his left. "I apologize, but they do not talk much."

"It's alright", I said. "My name is Claire Toraburu. This is my brother Furenzu." I gestured to Furenzu. "And this is my friend Elizabeth Midford and her fiancé Quintin Ianes." I gestured to the couple and they smiled. Hannah nodded.

"Please, allow us to show you all inside the manor, Ladies Claire and Elizabeth and Lords Furenzu and Quintin", she said before she and the triplets turned to head towards the mansion, the rest of us following.


~~Third Person POV~~

As the little girl ran through the dark city streets, a song was played on a flute. The song echoed through the streets easily, as the night was still and silent.

"Yay!", the little girl said to herself. "Mommy will be so pleased, and I can help pay for Jimmy's medicine!" She clutched the money tightly in her hand while she ran before she stopped in front of a poster that caught her eye. It was a poster for the Noah's Ark Circus. "A circus!" She smiled and looked at the money in her hand. "Maybe if I work really hard, I can take Jimmy there!" The little girl suddenly stopped smiling and turned around to look towards the dark alley behind her, the song getting a little louder. A cold breeze blew eerily, as if to warn the little girl to go home and not go down the alley. However, the little girl ignored the warning and slowly made her way down the dark alley, straying from her path. The flute playing suddenly stopped.

"Hullo there, darlin'!", Joker called to her. "Do 'ee like circuses?" The little girl took a few steps forward, looking for the owner of the voice when Joker suddenly landed behind her after jumping from where he had been sitting. The little girl let out a scream of fright as she jumped away from Joker. Joker merely bowed before her. "If 'ee have some time, stay and have a look." He held out his flute and flowers popped out of it, along with a sparkling substance. The girl smiled in delight at the trick and nodded. "It's showtime!" He threw the flowers in the air and a few stray petals flew until the bouquet popped in the air and a spinning parasail came into view for the little girl.

Doll switched which hand she held it in to reveal herself to the girl. She smiled gently down at the girl as the girl saw a mystical background and the air around her looked to be filled with flower petals and sparkles. The girl watched in awe as Doll leaped above her before leaping along a path aligned with flowers in front of her. Wendy and Peter swung above the path.

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