(Ch 19)

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Authors note:

Okay, after listening to One Direction, Coldplay, P!nk and Simple Plan on repeat, I think I'm finally ready to write a somewhat good-ish chapter so enjoy! Xx



"Brittany! Seriously! Stop. It." Ella yelled.

"Smella, Smella, you should know better than to retaliate," Brittany tutted.

"Whatever you reckon," Ella said, the remark clearly not affecting her.

"Smella, you're such an idiot!"

"Oh yeah. I would be, wouldn't I? I get straight A's and I'm the idiot?"

"Yep. You're so dumb, you crashed into a parked car"

"Brittany, in two years we will graduate an none of this will matter. Being 'cool' wont help you out in the real world. Being smart will. And in twenty years, I'll be the CEO to a huge company and you'll work for me because no one else will want to hire your boob-jobbed, collagen-filled little self. And I will make your life a living hell so just remember that next time you go to bully someone," Ella said and I felt so proud of her.

"You won't amount to anything, you lesbo!"

Really Brittany? I thought now, in the twenty-first century, we wouldn't be cracking homosexual jokes. What has this world come to?

Hurt flashed across Ella's eyes for a second and then I realised it. She was a closet lesbian. That makes things even worse. Its one thing to accuse someone, but it's completely wrong to expose someone before they're ready to.

I stormed over there, my fists in angry little balls and I remembered that I hadn't gotten Brittany back for cheating.

"Brittany. Insulting people's sexuality isn't very nice and it usually indicates that the person who said it, is, in fact, trying to hide their own sexuality battles," I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, so you're lesbo too, then." Brittany said.

That's it!

I swung a punch and it collided with Brittany's nose. Blood was gushing out at incredible speeds but she brought this on herself.

"That," I said, "is for cheating with Ben. This," I punched her in the stomach, "is for bullying."

I turned to Ella. "We better go," I stated and we casually walked off as if nothing had ever happened.


"Dana, you can do this. You have the broadest shoulders I know!"

Yep. That was Josie's pep talk. Complementing my shoulders (I think).

"That's not very reassuring, Josie," I told her.

"Yeah it is! Look Dana," she put her hands on my shoulders. "You are the best swimmer in the world-"

"That's not true-"

"Shut up! So just do your best and um, try hard?" Josie said.

"I'm not going in!" I said, stamping my foot at the entrance of our town swimming pool.

"But we've already signed you up!"

"I'm not doing it! I already told you about my dad and-"

"Dana. Just imagine Ben's face when you smash him by a mile," she said with a devilish grin.

"No. I can't go in there."

"Give me your hand," Josie said as I did what she said. "Now open and close it."

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