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 This couldn't be happening to me. It wasn't possible. I had just spoken to Lucy a few seconds ago. How could she be dead?

"But she was just- I was just- We were just-" I stuttered in shock.

"I am so sorry, Mr. Lockwood," sympathized the nurse. "I know this must be alot to take in all at once. The ghost possessing her body was just too much for her to handle and since we've never seen such a thing happen, we didn't know what to do."

"I was just talking to Lucy." I said. "Come and look, she's right here."

The nurse sighed. "We moved her body this morning. Miss. Carlyle is not in there." "I know what I saw," I told her firmly. "Lucy is here."

Shaking her head, the nurse went past me into the bedroom. "See," I said, coming in after her. "Lucy's right over the-" my voice faltered. The bed where Lucy had been was completely empty.

"She was right here!" I exclaimed. "I swear!" "I think you've gone into shock," the nurse told me. "Why don't you go home and get some rest. You've been here an awfully long time."

I did as I was told.

George's POV

The minute Lockwood came through the door, Holly and I knew what had happened.

It had been around noon when Lockwood got back from the hospital, which was a rarity, since he never got home sooner than 6:00. I was in the kitchen eating a donut, poring over a case that we'd gotten early this morning, and Holly was upstairs dusting, when the door banged open.

I immediately leapt to my feet and rushed to the front hall, hoping for good news. One look at Lockwood's heartbroken expression told me otherwise.

"She's dead" he said in a voice that held zero emotion. Lockwood ran upstairs and slammed his bedroom door. I could hear him weeping from downstairs.

~Three days later~

I'm starting to worry about Lockwood. He hardly ever comes out of his room, and when he does, it's only to go to the bathroom and eat.

Holly and I have tried several times to get him to help us on cases, but he never does. It's really hard to finish the cases without getting ghost-touched since neither of us has that great of Sight.

I'm really missing Lucy, too. At this point, we could all use some of her sarcastic comments and jokes. It really brightens things up(even when most of them are directed at me).

Even Holly isn't as cheery. She's alot more quiet and reserved. She also seems really upset now.

Lucy's death has taken a toll on all of us(some more than others).

Lockwood's POV

On the fourth day since Lucy's death, George is very persistant in making me come out of my room.

"I know that you're upset, Lockwood, we all are but, locking yourself in your room isn't the way to deal with your grief." He called through the door to my room. "Go away, George," I called back "I want to be alone!" "You have been alone for days!" He shot back, "Now come out, dinner's ready!"

"GEORGE!!" I bellowed, "I'm NOT in the mood!" "Anthony Lockwood, if you don't come out in five seconds, I will break down this door!" George shouted. I blinked. George had never spoken to me that way before.

"Five!   Four!  Three!"

"Okay, I'm coming!" I called. "Don't break down the door." George was standing in front of the door with his arms crossed when I came out of my room. "Lockwood, I think it's time for you to go on a case," he said. "All you do is isolate yourself in your room. Lucy wouldn't want this."

"Okay. I'll go on our next case." I relented. "Great! Now why don't you come downstairs. Lunch is ready."

~Magical Time Skip brought to you by Smiley Giraffe~

That night, I stumbled into bed. The case had been tough. Three Raw-Bones and a Changer. We really could have used Lucy's Talents tonight. George had gotten ghost-touched, but it wasn't too bad. He was spending the night at the hospital just to be sure, though.

I fell asleep the minute my head hit the pillow.

The next morning I woke up and laid in bed awhile. I heard some talking in the hall outside my room. Then I heard someone say "Maybe we should let him sleep." I bolted upright in bed. I knew that voice.

I flung the bedroom door open and came face to face with Lucy. George was downstairs cooking breakfast and Holly was folding clothes.

Lucy seemed startled. "Well hello, Lockwood," she said, smiling. "We thought you'd never get up." "Lucy, you're dead!" I stuttered.

She frowned. "Well clearly I'm not." She said. "Are you okay, Lockwood? You look pale." I stared, wide-eyed at her. "But, you-you were possessed. Then you were in the hospital for days and you didn't make it and we were so confused..." Lucy hugged me. "Lockwood, it was all a bad dream." she reassured me. "I am fine."

"You're sure?" I asked her "Absolutely positive?" "Yes. Everything is okay."

I exhaled slowly. "Good." "Anyway," she went on, "We have an exciting new case. It's over on 83 Pemberwick Drive."

I gaped at Lucy. "You know, I think I'm gonna need a sick day"

The End

Ta-Da! Do you really think that I'd kill off Lucy? How cruel do you think I am? Well, in case you were wondering, Smiley Giraffe is Lockwood's new nickname.

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