Chapter 1

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  The prince was strolling in circles, occasionally peeking from the narrow window of one of the two towers directly facing the south gate of the castle. Not far from it one could also observe the South Gate of Bannaventa, the capital of Cinwindion. Behind that gate an old dusty road was running away to the horizon. The tower was called “The Weeping Widow” for it was the place where, as the legend said, the prince's grandmother wept waiting for her younger son, his uncle. His life as many other lives had been lost in one of the interminable wars with the Saxons. The old queen knew he wouldn't come back but she couldn't stop looking at the road which had once carried him away and never returned.
  As a matter of fact, the second tower also had quite a sad name. People commonly referred to it as “The dead princess”. The story behind the name was a horrible one. They said a mad king of the past had killed his own pregnant daughter having been informed about her romantic connection with one of her guards.
  But all those old stories didn't worry the prince that afternoon. He had another more important matter to think about. He was not worried or afraid. None of that. On the contrary, he was elated. He knew his father well enough to be sure that the old king would understand and be happy for both of them.
  The prince also knew that the mission which demanded the king's own presence had been finished successfully. News travels faster than people. The peace with the Saxon king had been made firm and durable. And his father's many year's efforts had  finally  brought their fruit. Old Elisedd must have felt triumphant. It probably was the best moment for telling him the prince's decision.
   The young heir of the throne wanted to marry his sister, Lynette. Formally it wasn't an obstacle. They didn't share common blood. She wasn't the king's daughter by birth. His loyal friend and servant Calgus died in battle. And after his death his little daughter was left with no living relatives. So Elisedd, in honour of her father, adopted the girl and raised among his own children. Therefore, the only think needed here was his consent.
  The two young people grew together but apart, living each such different lives of girls and boys. But, as their age advanced, the former girl and boy both became attractive and attracted to one another, eventually drawn so close there was no way for their love to be escaped.
   It seemed unnatural to them at first. The prince didn't tell anyone, neither did his sister-lover. They hid their feelings from the others fearing their reaction. Love was so delicate and precious. No one was worth touching it, discussing it, even thinking any  unclean or earthly thouhts of it. Time fled fast though, and it was prudent soon to think about marriage. The prince didn't want anyone else. So he chose to act. And this was the best opportunity.
   As he was thinking about all this and wandering incessantly around the room he finally saw a small cloud of dust barely distinguishable at the point where the happy  blue sky of spring warmly  touched the old road surrounded by freshly green ground.
  The prince stopped abruptly and gazed. After a few minutes he could clearly see a big delegation on horses rapidly reducing the distance between them and the city. There could be no mistake. The king was coming home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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