Draco malfoy x reader: Prank war

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You had potions today. It wasn't very different from your average day. Well before it happened. Draco had managed to slip an ingredient  that wasn't supposed to be in there into your potion. You hadn't noticed and kept making your potion that is until it exploded. You chocked on the smoke that erupted waving your hands in front of your face. Went the smoke cleared everyone pointed at you laughing. You looked into a puddle at your reflection to see long bright purple hair replacing your (h/l) (h/c) hair. You blushed due to embarrassment as you noticed Draco was a little too cheery. "This means war." You mumbled at him before storming to the nurses office.
Late that night you snuck into the Slytherin boys dorm. The next morning at breakfast you heard yelling coming your way and smirked to yourself. Draco walked in his head shaved on all sides except the top and it was dyed dark green. You crossed your legs and smiled at him innocently. He stood there in front of you breathing heavily. He gave you a deadly glare and you giggled. "Is something wrong?" You stated pretending not to see his hair. He didn't speak he just pointed to his hair. "Oh that is quite a shame I wonder who could have done that." You said walking away from him.
He ran after you down the hallway. He had finally caught up and he grabbed your elbow and pushed you against the wall. "(Y/n) you naughty girl I didn't know you were capable of such things." He said raising an eyebrow. "This means war you know right?" He whispered sending chills down your spine.
Over the next couple of weeks the two of you were pranking the heck out of each other. It finally ended when you filled his robes with rotten egg yolks. You were currently running from him as you giggled. He tackled you then pinned you to the floor "you wanna call a truce?" He said between breaths. Your lips were centimeters apart and you smiled.
"Sure." You said before he put his lips on yours.
"I'm sorry (y/n) I just (sighs) I really like you no I love you (y/n) and it's hard cause I don't know how to act around you." He said sitting on the floor beside you.
You smiled hugging him tight "I like you too."
Hey everybody request still open if you like this tell me Merry Christmas and happy holidays bye.

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