Draco x potter! Reader

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Hogwarts was one place that you loved, you loved every class and liked everybody you ever seemed to meet and they all seemed to like you. So it was obvious when you were asked to be prefect of the Gryfindor house. There were several perks to being prefect too. One of them being that the you got one of the most amazing bathrooms ever. You loved to soak in the large tub after a really hard day.
Today was one of those days. So after your nightly rounds you went there. After your bath you put your clothes on and went to grab this peculiar potion sitting on the counter. You had been using it for a while now and it was great.
You would put it in your hair and it would make it super soft and it made you smell good like coconut. You put some into your damp hair and messaged it around.
"You know I got that imported from the most high end shop in Italy?" You jumped at the sound of someone's voice behind you.
Behind you was none other than Draco Malfoy himself. "So you are the one that's been using it, I would have thought it was one of the hufflepuff prefects not the great and mighty (y/n) potter."
Unlike your brother you were soft spoken and didn't like conflict. "I'm sorry! I had no idea it was yours, I just thought that it was for everybody." You began to ramble. "I've been using it for a while now, I should pay you back."
Draco gave you a quizzical look. "You're not much like your brother are you?" You shook your head. "Why I wonder. It's a lot easier to get a rise out of him. What makes you so different?"
You raised a brow at him "Well I find that being courageous is a lot more than yelling at your enemies. Sometimes being kind takes a lot more courage. That's where my brother and I are different." Draco nodded.
"Maybe that's a good thing. Gryfindor could use more people like you."
You smiled lightly at him "well I'll leave you to your bath. Goodnight Draco."
"Goodnight Pot-... (Y/n)."
-----------------time skip----------
A few days after the odd encounter you went back to the bathroom to see two bottles of the potion with a note.
I got you a bottle of your own so you wouldn't keep using mine
All you could do was smile with a hit of a blush on your cheeks.
You found Draco on his way to class the next day and handed the bottle back to him. "Draco I can't take this, it's so expensive. That would be too kind of you to do this."
"(Y/n) it's alright just keep the bottle."
"But Draco I-" he pressed his lips to yours in an attempt to quiet, you of course you kissed back.
He walked away leaving you speechless. "Keep the bottle (y/n)." He looked over his shoulder and smirked giving you a wink. "I'll see you around."
Sorry if it sucks. Request are open :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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