Young!Sirius black x reader

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So your best friend (b/f) was invited to this party the Griffindors were throwing for no reason. She said you just had to come which really threw you off.
She picked out your clothes choosing a (f/c) (favorite band) t-shirt, black ripped skinny jeans and a pair of red converse. You rolled your eyes.
Your friend immediately ditched you as soon as she saw someone else she knew.
You sat on one of the many scarlet couches as drunk students passed you by. That's when he showed up.
You weren't sure if you knew him or not. He had black hair and the most dazzling mischievous smile, the kind you knew would get you in trouble but was to curious invoking to say no to.
He sat beside you. "Enjoying the party?"
"Not really!" You shouted over the music making him raise an eyebrow. "The music isn't really my style. Foods not that great either." For the next half an hour you two joked about how lame the party was.
(B/f) had ran over to you smiling. "(Y/n)! I didn't know you knew Sirius. The one hosting this party." You froze the last half an hour you were bad mouthing the party to the host. Whoops!
(B/f) eventually left saying she needed another butterbeer. Once she left you turned to Sirius.
"Look I'm so sorry if I had known it was your party I wouldn't have...."
"It's fine." He said smiling at you. "I appreciate the honesty more. So (y/n) let's say we ditch this party and have some fun."
You nodded taking his hand with a smile.
Three butterbeers and two chocolate bars later and you were out cold as you sat on a branch of an old oak. Sirius just about to pass out beside you himself. He kissed the top of your head and pulled you closer to him. "Gnight (y/n) he said before falling asleep."

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