just a normal day

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•Frances P.O.V•

Hi I'm Frances if you didn't already know CX anyways .....

I woke up around 7 in the morning to get ready for dance class. I got out of bed looking like a zombie. I go to my bathroom an plug in my iPhone 5 an played matt right here right now by Matt Hunter and got in the shower.

-15 minutes later-

I hopped out of the shower an put on my black dance shorts an a white crop top that had a infinity sign on it. I put my black an white converses on and grabbed my dance bag an left my hair down naturally curly and walked down the stairs.

I see my mom on the phone i sneak past her an grab an apple, an head for the front door.

"Where do you think your going?" my mom asked.

"To dance practice"

"Do you want me to drive you?"

"Nahhhh me an Adriana are just gonna walk bye mom." I say stepping out the door before she had a chance to say anything.

I only walked out so quickly because my mom doesn't like that I dance she says its not a career but like I always say if you love something go for it.

Anyways, I started to walk towards Adriana's house since she only lives like three houses down an we always walk to practice together.

The dance studio is only a block away an we like the exercise so why not? you know.

I was to busy talking to myself i didn't even notice I passed Adriana's house so I had to turn around an I walked up to her door an just walked in.

You might be thinking its weird how I just did that but I practically live here. I grew up with Adriana we have known each other since we were babies.

I walk up the stairs straight to Adriana's room an knocked on the door.

"who is it? " she yells.

"open the door ninja." after she heard that she laughed an opened the door.

"you ready to go?" I ask.

"ya let me just get my dance bag."

"don't forget extra clothes so we can go shopping with some dancers or who ever else is their" i said.

"oh ya thanks what would i do without you."

" you wouldn't survive" i said smirking.

Just realizing that she had almost the same outfit as me but instead of a white crop top she had a black one that said IM5 in white letters an black converses.

"ooo nice shirt when did you get that?" i ask

"when i bought you the matt hunter one"

"ohh ya i should have wore it oh well lets go were gonna be late" i said

we both walked down stairs an out the door an to the studio talking the whole way about our day or what we are gonna do just random stuff

10 mins later

we get to the studio as normal an start walking to our dance room an usually it was empty but this time there was a guy who looked around my age he wasn't ugly he was really cute he had black hair straight white teeth and a beautiful smile

instead of waiting for him to leave i just went in an sat down my stuff sitting on the floor next to my bag

with adriana right behind me.

after about five minutes of all of us just sitting in silence i look up from my phone to see the boy still here so i just got up an put my phone into the speaker an played show me by:chris brown an kid ink.

i just got into the mode were nobody was their it was just me an i free styled until the song ended.

it felt good to dance it was like anything was possible i guess by the time i was done dancing two more people came in the room an i didnt even notice until i heard clapping i looked over to the people it was two boys i had never seen before.

"thank you" i say going to my phone picking it up from the speaker

"wow that was amazing were did you learn to dance like that?" said the boy who was in the room when we entered

" it just comes naturally i danced ever since i was little" i say sitting back on the ground next to Adriana scrolling through Instagram

"I'm nick by the way" he said

"I'm Frances an thats Adriana "

i still just noticed the two boys were still there they were cute to one was tall black hair looked italian an hispanic maybe an the other one was tall but wasn't as tall as his friend he had brown hair looked white maybe italian.

"oh ya this is mikey an madison" said nick

"hi nice to meet you guys" i said

i turn to adriana "do you wanna do our dance?"

"ya lets go" she said all perky standing up.

"you guys are welcome to come in you don't have to stand at the door we don't bite i promise" i said smiling to Mikey an madison

they start to walk in but don't sit down. i go over to the speaker again an plug in my phone scrolling to our song banga banga by: Austin Mahone

me an adriana start to do our dance routine we made up to this song it was kinda fast pace an we hit every move perfectly we have practiced it so many times we had it down.

once the song finished the guys clapped.

"thanks" we both said

i walk over to my bag an grab my water wondering were our class is

"hey what time is it?" i ask

"umm 8:30" nick says

"were is our class?" adriana asks reading my mind

"maybe they cancelled practice our teacher was sick" i say

"wait is this you guys dance room?"

"ya it is" nick says laughing "i didn't want to interrupt your amazing. dancing so i just kept quiet"

"we are so sorry usually our dance class meets-"

"don't worry about it you guys can stay an watch us dance if you want" Mikey says

so we stayed an watched the guys dance we danced some if they did freestyle.

after about 30 mins

it was time for us to go so i got all of my stuff put it in my bag

"bye guys it was nice meeting you guys" i said giving them all hugs

Adriana doing the same

i started to walk out the door when nick stopped us


"huh?" me an Adriana said at the same time

" we were going to check out the mall here you guys wanna come?"

"ummm sure why not?" i say

"we just have to change meet us in the lobby in like 3o okay?" Adriana says

"okay" they all say while we headed to change.


Hope you liked our story we had fun writing it we will be writing every day if we have time an we might write twice a day so tell us what you thought about our story thanks for reading luv ya

~ Frances <3

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