The Date

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•Frances Pov•

The door bell rang for the second time an I was still upstairs nervous and had butterflies in my stomach

"so am I gonna get it orr..."Adri asked fully confident

"ummm.. s-sure" I say stuttering a little

she looked at me weird but shook it off an walked down stairs I heard her open the door

"Hey" Nick an Louis said

"Fran will be down in a second" she said

I grabbed my gray purse it was little but enough to carry what I needed it had a kinda metal strap for me to carry it on my shoulder I put some money an my iphone grabbing Adris off the desk guess she forgot it

I took a deep breath walked out my room an down the stairs

everyone was staring at me which made me even more nervous once I got to the bottom I said hi to Nick an Louis an gave them both a hug when I was hugging Nick he whispered an said

"you look amazing"

which made me melt an blush at the same time I said thank you an with that we just stood their for a minute

"shall we go" Louis said

we all said ya an walked to the car that brought them to my house we all got in an Louis mom was driving Nick's mom was siting in the passenger seat

"well this is the beautiful girls these boys could not stop talking about" Nicks mom said

I chuckled an looked over an Nick he was blushing an looking down I slightly nudged him with my elbow an he looked up an laughed

"nice to meet you I am Frances" I said to nick an Louis mom

"an I am Adriana but you can call me Adri" she said

"nice to finally meet you two" Louis mom said

we rode for about 30 mins the whole way me an Nick were singing to almost every song that played on the radio All me by: Drake came on and me an Nick started to rap an then came in Adri an Louis came in it was fun bc we were all rapping

once the song was over a really slow song was on an it made me tired so I put my head on Nicks shoulder an he put his arm around me making me closer to him an we finally arrived at some place that looked like a fair an it was like a board walk I had no idea were we where but it looked fun

we all got out the car

"bye guys be safe" Nicks mom said

"we will bye" nick said an waved

we got in line an got a bunch of tickets well the boys got us tickets

"so what do you want to do first" Louis asked Adri

"ooohhh giant roller coaster lets go" Adri said

"umm I'm gonna pass but you guys go ahead" I said I hated roller coaster they make me sick

"are you sure?" Nick asked

"ya have fun I will just sit on that bench" I say

he nodded an they got in line for the ride

I walked over to a bench an sat down an looked around an then looked at the line were Nick, Adri, an Louis were standing they were at the front an I guess Nicks eyes never left me because he immediately caught my gaze an winked I smiled an they got on the ride I just played on my phone waiting for them to get off the ride until someone sat beside me I looked over an it was a guy he looked maybe italian an hispanic he had a nice smile an nice style by what he was wearing

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