The party

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Frances POV

we rode in the limo for like 10 more mins an we were at my house the boys were leaving so they could get ready for dinner

Me an Adri walked inside my house went upstairs an laid out or clothes an I put the flowers Matt got me in a vase putting everything else away

I looked at Adri an said "time for some serious getting ready to do are you up for it?" I said lifting up an eyebrow

"this is the moment I have been waiting for my whole life" she laughed

"k ima take a shower u can go in the guest room why am I telling you, you already know peace girl"

I got in the shower

10 mins later I hop out an put on Sophie shorts an a tshirt I let my already straightened haid down from my bun an start to curl it

10 mims later

I finally got done an did a little bit of makeup I barley wear makeup but this time I thought it was worth it I put on eye liner an mascara an covered up any blemishes, I put on the necklace matt gave me the day of the pool party an a pearl ring Adri got me for my bday last year

after that was done I went over to my bed an out on my dress an the heels my outfit was so complete I had to take a pic an post it on insta the caption read-bday outfit so excited to go out to dinner with my amazing boyfriend an my two best friends ❤️💕💕

I locked my phone an someone knocked on the door

"come in!" I scream from my bathroom

"woah u look amazing" Matt said I turn to him an smile wide he walked over and gave me a hug an a kiss on the cheek

"I thought u were gonna be Adri" I said wondering were she was

"ohh shes with Dana" he said"you ready to go?"

"yess let me get my phone" I said picking up my phone from the speaker an Matt grabbing my hand as we walk down the stairs to see Dana an Adri waiting for us

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they both scream

"thnks guys" I said laughing

we all walked out to Matts car an I was gonna sit in the back like normal but Matt stopped me

"so here is were u have to trust us" he said

"huh?" I say confused

he had a blindfold in his hand an turned me around an put it over my eyes an tied it

"do you trust me?" he asked

I nodded my head he pecked me on the lips an helped me get into the car I was kinda scared because I kinda hate surprises an I dont like the idea of being blind folded I guess Matt could tell I was nervous so he grabbed my hand an played my fav song it was Odio by: romeo santos ft drake 💕❤️😍

I automatically started to sing

10 mins later

The car stopped an my door opened I was scared to know were we where so I stood up an Matt an Adri helped me I have no clue were Dana was but all of a sudden they both were gone like completely gone I have no idea were they went

"hello?" I say so scared shaking so I take up my blindfold an people jump from everywhere screaming "SURPRISE!"

I jumped so hard because i got scared but I started smiling because I have the most amazing friends in the world

"Well you guys tried to kill me on my birthday" I say to everyone

they all started to laugh an alot of people came up to me an hugged me an talked to me an wished me happy bday I knew some of these people some were just random people

"Happy Birthday" Nick said givin me a hug oh ya I forgot to tell you guy me Nick an Adri an the rest of the guys got really close as friends

"Thnks so much" I said smiling

I started to look around to see if Adri, Dana, or Matt were anywhere but they were no where to be found so I just took it all in the party was beautiful who ever did it did an amazing job it had black an purple everywhere mostly purple it had a stage with a Dj an tables were people could sit an talk an eat it had a snack an drink place

"Hello can everyone please make it to the dance floor" the DJ said I didnt realize it was Matts DJ until i got closer to the stage

"Frances were are you?" he asked I walked to right in front of the stage

I guess they wanted me to go up on the stage so I walked up the steps an some guy sat me down in a throne like chair in the middle of the stage

I started to here a way to familiar beat it was Matts song right here right now an I started to smile right when I heard his voice I couldent see him but I knew it was him

I was looking around in search of him but still no matt I watched his dancers dance in front of me an they handed me some roses which I absolutely love

then Matt sung again

Right here right now not every moment is special but girl I feel something crazy

He came up to me an grabbed my hand an stood me up he put a little tiara on my head an kissed my cheek the crowd aweeeed an then Matt finished the song

The party was amazing after that we danced ate talked an it lasted for a while until we all had to go home

"I honestly had the most fun tonight"i said turning to Matt "thank you so much"

I kissed Matt we were by his car puttin the presents people got me an put them in the trunk

"you know I would do anything for you" he said looking at me with his beautiful eyes " I got you something" he said pulling a box out of his pocket

"Matt no you didnt have to do that you did so much for me already" I said pushing his hand back gently not wanting to take his gift

"I know I didnt have to I wanted to now take it" he said smiling

I took it an opened it it was a ring box the ring was silver an round it had an engraving on the inside it said 1-19-2014 is the day I promise to be yours an only yours

"awe Matt its beautiful" I said putting it on an noticing it said Matt<3 on the outside I hugged Matt an kissed him which quickly turned to a makeout session until....

"Come on love birds lets gooooo" Dana screamed from across the parking lot holding Adris hand

Me an Matt laughed as they walked over we all got in matts car an rode to my house we unpacked everything an went up to my room Dana an Adri went into the guest room (nothing happen dont think like that) me an Matt went into my room I changed into Sophie shorts and a t-shirt an Matt had a pair of baller shorts an a t-shirt

"lets take a pic" I said he nodded we walked over to my mirror an he got behind me wrapped his arms around me an kissed my cheek I posted it on insta an the caption said just because I love him so much had an amazing night with you babe ❤️💕😍 thnks for the amazing party an the unconditional love

when I posted it my notifications blew up alot was hate oh well I luv Matt no matter what I laid down in my bed drifting off listening to Matt sing then he laid down an cuddled with me 😊 an played with my hair till I fell asleep

AUTHORS NOTE: so sorry i havent updated my fault been busy so i wrote 2 chapters an they are super lon hope u like them


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