wait, you kissed him?

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ugh, i cant sleep. its hard to sleep without giovanna with me. today, i was so pissed. giovannas staying with karianne and louis. i hate them both, but i have to deal with them. were having lunch with them tomorrow. my eyes are getting very heavy, before i know it im asleep.


i see her, shes walking down the isle with her beauiful smile. i love her so much. shes an amazing women. she walks up to me and says to me "i cant do this", and storms out. what did i do? why is she so upset? i run after her, once i get out of the church, im in the hospital. i dont know how i got here. 

"its all your fault luke" the doctor says to me

then everyone joins in with him

"its all your fault luke" jai, ariana, joey, her mom, her dad, her little sister, even rianna, and kariane all say this to me and keep repeating it. i walk backwards while they walk towards me. i take another step back and i fall out of the window and i keep falling. they're right luke its all your fault. you should have been the one in the elevator not her. i look backwards and i see the floor. i scream


i wake up crying. shes gone and i cant do anything about it. what if that stupid doctor isnt right? what if she doesnt  wake up? i know what to do, i will make her fall in love with me again. i go back to sleep


i wake up, its a beautiful day outside. i get out of  my bed and get into my wheel chair. i start to roll into the kitchen and get some breakfast. im rolling and then i stop, my wheel gets stuck on the door frame. i try to pull it out but its not working.

"are you ok?" a voice in the background asks

"not really" i say

he comes over, its harry. 

"what happened to you" he says while smirking

"oh, i just got my door stuck in my wheel" i say not realizing the mistake i said in the sentence

"do you mean, your wheel stuck in the door?" he says while gigging

"yea" i said while giggling

he lifts the wheel up and pulls it out. 

"see, it wasnt that hard" he says while laughing

"you try being stuck in a wheel chair for 2 months" i say while giggling

we both walk to the kitchen and we eat breakfast.

"thanks for the breakfast karianne" i say to her 

"no problem, anything for you" she says

"you have to get ready giovanna, the brooks family is coming over" she says

"whos that?" i ask

"that family that was there yesterday at the hospital" she says

oh great, the family that has that guy luke in it. the one that lies. ugh, great, whatever. i go into my room and get dressed. i guess that took longer than i thought because when i came back into the kitchen, they were there


she looks stunning. she always looks stunning. she wheels in and sits next to harry styles. why him? during breakfast they both kept glancing back and fourth with eachother. thats wierd, in order to stop it i start up a conversation

"so, hows ur tour going?" i ask

"good, were just stopping here for 2-3 months, then were going to new york and new jersey" louis says

"so is giovanna going with you guys?" i ask

"no, karianne and giovanna are going to stay here" he says

good, because if she went on tour with them, i dont know if i would have ever seen her again. we all get up from breakfast and go into the living room. we sit down and start to watch tv.

"be right back, i have to go get something from my room" giovanna says

i miss her so much. i still cant believe that shes staying here. ugh, i want her living with me. thats not even her real room. her real room is with me at our house. five minutes pass and shes still not back. i was going to check up on her but harry offers.

"im going to go check up on giovanna" he says

after a couple of minutes i say the same and go to her room. her door was closed, i opened it a bit and i couldnt believe what i had saw. he kissed her. my fiance. no this cant be happening, this must be a dream. i pinch myself, i guess its not. i feel my anger inside me, its boiling so much. thats when i barge into the room.

Adopted by ariana grande and jai brooksWhere stories live. Discover now