please wake up

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ive been standing in the hospital waiting room for 6 hours now. its tourture, not to know what happened to her, shes my world, and if shes gone i dont know what i would do.

"are you giovanna martinez's family?" she asks

"you mean giovanna brooks" i whisper

"yes we are" her father says

"shes very lucky to be alive, your daughter has three broken ribs, a broken leg and a very deep gash on her head. She hit her head very hard during the accident, do you guys know what a cerebrum is?" she asks us

"no we dont, what is it?" her mom asks

"its the memory part of your brain, she damaged it very badly so we dont know if she lost her memory or not. we will find out once she wakes up" she says

my heart shattered into tiny pieces, she has to remember, she will remember.

"but if she loses her memory, it can be fixed. she will just have to go to theropy once a week, take some medicine, and you guys will have to try to make her remember everything." she says

"how do we do that" i ask

"you will have to show her old videos and photos, maybe talk about the memories that you had together as a family" she says

i love her so much. what was she even doing in that elevator in the first place? why would she go to her job on the day of the wedding?

"was there anyone else with her during the accident? her mother asks

"yes, a girl in her 20's, she passed away about 3 hours ago" the doctor says in a sad tone

that could have been giovanna. if she died, i would never be able to live, without her.

"would you guys like to see her?" she asks

we said yes and we started to follow her to upstairs. we got there and we all sat down, everyone just starred at her. after 5 minutes i got up and went over to her.

"i love you so much" i whispered and then kissed her forehead

visiting hours were over, i was going to stay but i realized i was still wearing my suit and tie. the hospital is an hour away so i decided just to come and see her tomorrow morning. i was the last one there, i took her hand and held it tight.

"goodnight beautiful" i said then i kissed her on the cheek.

Adopted by ariana grande and jai brooksWhere stories live. Discover now